Fly No More

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I was flying around when I saw Carmen, Zack, and Ivy on a roof with red drone flying near a window, I landed behind her and put my hoodie on, "Hey." She jumped and punched my face though I avoided it, Zack looked at me and said, "Nice dodge. What are you doing here?" I looked around, "I could ask the same... This looks like a normal building." She looked back where red drone was, "Chase Devineaux got caught by V.I.L.E."

"Let me help."

"Are you sure?"


"Got a visual, Carm." We heard Chase singing, "And audio."

We looked at the visual red drone had as it identified the two people, "Faculty field trip, we'll need to even the odds." We came up with a plan and Carmen knocked red drone onto the window and when they looked Carmen moved the drone to reveal Ivy dressed as Carmen, Shadowsan was the one to leave. Then Brunt went after him, leaving Chase alone. Carmen and I went in and as we entered the same room as Chase, Carmen spoke into her ear piece, "Player, we're in."

Chase was groaning and speaking french, He noticed Carmen and I and spoke in English, "So! You show your face!" He chuckled, "I knew you were behind this! And you probably had Crow scout me out!" He laughed as I took the thing off his head as Carmen spoke, "Shh. Easy, Devineaux. Save your strength. We need to get you out of here."

Carmen got a gadget out and freed Chase, he got a pen out and pressed it before passing out. The pen stood up and showed a hologram of a person, "What is it now, Agent Devin-?" she saw Chase on the ground then turned to see me and Carmen, "Carmen Sandiego, I presume? Who's the other girl?"

I waved awkwardly, "H-Hello... Talking pen goddess...." Carmen stepped on the pen as it broke. Carmen tried to carry Devineaux as I was on lookout Carmen grunted, "Come on, Devineaux. We need to get you out before it's-" I was shoved to a wall as Brunt entered, "Too late." She bent the metal to make it locked. Carmen narrowed her eyes, "Coach Brunt. Long way from campus, aren't you?"

"You didn't expect to move away from home without a visit from mama bear, did you?" She cracked her neck as she walked, "And I'm not sure I approve of the tall, handsome, law-abiding company. You're keeping these days." I got up and ready to fight, "Rebound relationship. Needed a change after all the criminals and psychopaths." Brunt stood in front of Carmen, "Now, you know I can't let you leave again, Lambkins."

"That's what I figured." Carmen got out a grappling hook as Brunt gasped and dodged, the hook latching onto a pipe as Carmen almost flew past Brunt but Brunt grabbed her ankle and threw her.


Without thinking I took my hoodie off and flew to her side at the speed of light. I stood in front of her, holding my arms out and my wings spread, "Oh? Wings? Never saw a winged person... Wonder if they're real...." She grabbed my wings, crushing them as I screeched in pain until Carmen kicked Brunt, Brunt caught her foot and punched her stomach and Carmen hit a shelf, falling to the floor. Brunt threw me across the room and she walked closer to Carmen, "Did you learn nothing in school? Always protect the face, and never enter a room without an exit plan. "

Carmen grabbed a wrench and swung at Brunt but she kept dodging, Carmen then tazed her stomach and Brunt looked at her, Carmen turned the voltage to high and Brunt grunted but grabbed Carmen's hand, knocking her back. Carmen was about to hit her again but she slapped the wrench out of Carmen's hands, she tried to grab Carmen but Carmen dodged, sliding under her and running.

Carmen tried to open the doors but Brunt grabbed her and threw her, slipping her out of her coat and tearing it. Carmen got up and tried to punch Brunt but Brunt caught her punch, cracking her bones, Brunt then smacked Carmen and she fell down. Carmen gasped in pain and looked up to notice a vent and tried opening it, but it was screwed shut. Brunt walked closer to Carmen, "I know how much you wanted to get out and see the world, pumpkin, but trust me, it's a world of hurt."

"You rescued me from the side of a road, only to lure me here so you can pound me into dust?" Brunt laughed, "Believe me, Lambkins, that is one stone you do not want to turn. But I promise to let bygones be bygones if you be a good little sheep and come back to the island with the rest of the flock." Carmen gasped most likely from her pain, "Then you better pound harder. Because I am NEVER going back to VILE island." Brunt brushed Carmen's cheek, "After every little thing we've done for you."

Carmen tried to turn her head away but Brunt made her look at her, "Come here, little cub." Brunt hugged Carmen and started to crush Carmen's bones as she groaned in pain, I shakily got up and ran to them, "STOP IT!!" Brunt grabbed my arm and started crushing it, I yelped in pain and struggled to escape, "Let mama bear give you one great, big last hug goodbye."

I passed out after that

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