meet the gang

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As Chase ran towards Carmen she grapple hooked onto the roof through a window,he looked over to see she jumped onto a roof, he opened the window and pointed at her, "I order you to stop!" She stopped and Chase went on the narrow edge arround the building, scooting closer, "You didn't say for how long."

She ran as he got onto the roof, he groaned, "It was implied!" I waited for them to get away for a bit, then as they were far enough away I took my hoodie off and unwrapped my wings, flying through the window and landing close but far from them, rewrapping my wings around my body and putting the hoodie on. Carmen was on the side of the roof edge where the car was parked below. she looked over to Chase who smiled. He then slowly made his way to Carmen. She held a hand up wigling her fingers, "Au revoir." She jumped off the roof holding her hat, I was about to dive down for her until I saw her gliding away on a glider.

I was too distracted until I heard a car going off, I looked down to see Chase fell onto his car. I jumped off the roof and landed by Chase, "A-Are you ok sir?! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention-!"

Ms. Argent lifted his coat and took his keys, stopping the car noise, "Did you just-?"

Chase got up, "Never mind that! Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?!"

Chase was pacing around as Ms. Argent spoke, "She has to land sometime, how far can she possibly get?" Chase stopped, "She is heading for the train station." Chase ran to the driver seat, "Secure the crime scene! Deduce what was stolen!" after that he drove off, Ms. Argent coughed from the dust, "Uh, I'm just... Gonna go... Do errands... At night...."

I ran off, "Bye!"

When I was far enough I took my hoodie off and flew, chasing the car from the air. It has been an hour and Chase's car died. I heard a plane behind me so I turned to see a plane coming my way so I dove down and hid. Chase chased the plane as it landed, jumping the fence and holding his badge in the air, yelling something. Chase entered the plane and before it took off I hopped on the back, a few more hours later Chase landed nearby as the train made a stop, I flew down and put my hoodie on, following. Chase entered but I stayed. The train started moving and I didn't see Chase get off. I looked around only to see Carmen but in different clothes, "Hi Carmen."

She looked at me, "Oh, hi Crow."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Sure, go ahead."

I followed Carmen onto a boat with a male and female up front, "Zack, Ivy, meet Crow. She's a new friend."

The two turned and greeted me, as the boat moved Carmen talked to someone on the phone as I looked at the scenery passing by. "Hey Zack, can you shake the tail?"

Zack turned to Carmen and laughed, "I can shake it all night long!"

"Not your booty. The tail."

I giggled a bit. Zack was funny, I think I might like it here.

"We were never here." The boat sped up so did the boat behind us. "Zack, they're comin' in hot."

"Follow at a safe distance people! And no texting while boating."

I giggled more, "You're funny."

"Why thank you, Crow."

"Hang on to your hoodies!"

As a boat covered the path we just barely made it as someone from the boat on the other side yelled, "You, out of the way!"

"Uh, parlez-vous francis?"

"Move it, now!"

"Ah! You're sayin' you don't like where I parked the barge!"

A few seconds later Ivy jumped from the large boat to ours, wait, when did she leave? "Sayonara, mon amigos!" the boat left after that. We went onto a plane and Zack came out of some room from the plane, "All right, sis, bring on the grub!"

Ivy looked up from her magazine, "Whoa, were you not informed that Operation Picnique a la Parisian was canceled?"

"What? Ivy! You had one little job to do while I picked up Carmen from the train station. One! Rustle up big blocks of cheese and those long, fresh-baked hoagie rolls."

I giggled as Carmen spoke, "Yum, baguettes."

Zack sat down, "Not helping, Carm."

"I had my orders, little bro. Boot the buns and cut the cheese to save your bacon."

Zack groaned, "Bacon! Definitely not helping."

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