Chapter Thirteen • The Troll

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Chapter Thirteen • The Troll


It was now Halloween and Lyra had heard that Hermione Granger, One of Harrys loyal followers, was still in the bathroom as Ronald Weasley insulted her.

But today Lyra was in her room while everyone was going down to the feast, Lyra was then forced to go down by one of her friends, Hanna Abott.

After a while Professor Qurrall(?) ran in and screamed
"TrOlL, tRoLl In tHe DuNgEoNs. I tHoUgHt YoU'd LiKe To KnOw!!" And then proceeds to faint.

"Take all students to the common rooms!" Dumbledore commanded.

And then there was a sudden stop as Lyra had came to a realisation.
"The Slytherin common rooms are in the dungeons" She realised and all her fellow Hufflepuffs stoped dead in their tracks, at least half of them were friends with Slytherins.

"Dumbledore! You do realise that the Slytherin common room is in the dungeons!!" Shouted Lyra while the others had shouted something similar.
The Slytherins had stopped moving.

"Um. . . Uh. . . Forgive an old man, I had forgotten" Dumbledore claimed while no-one had believed him.

"Okay then, if you too old to remember that, you should retire!" One of the Slytherins shouted.

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