Chapter Three • Vanishing Glass ✅

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3 - Vanishing Glass

People were pressing their fat faces on the glass at the poor snake.

They should learn some respect, Lyra thought. Then she had a wicked idea - she could make them fall into the glass container. And that was exactly what she did.

Dudley and Harry fell into the container and that was the funniest thing Lyra had ever seen, with the exception of Dudley trying to ride a bike.

When they fell in they screamed and screamed and Nagini slithered away, but not before saying thanks.

“Anytime,” Lyra hissed, in awe of the scene in front of her.


Once the Dursleys and Potter kids were back home, the Dursleys made Lyra cook a roast, but she wasn’t allowed to have any.

What she did get was a few hits from everyone except Petunia. Petunia went to her room so she could cry secretly, but Lyra had seen and she knew why. It was because Lyra looked like her mother, Lily.

While the sisters did have their disagreements, they were still sisters and it broke Petunia’s heart to know that her sister had died.

Lyra not only knew that her mother had died, but she remembered how. She could remember everything, because she had a photographic memory. She knew it was Dumbledore that killed her paretns, and she knew that people blamed Voldemort.

She also knew that tomorrow, on her eleventh birthday, she would get her Hogwarts letter. Unfortunately, Harry would also get his.



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