Part 6

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(so, Imma just gonna do a time skip cause I am to lazy to deal with it)


~ With Hinata ~

Hinata walk inside her house as she waved a 'good-bye' to Kiyoko and Yachi that drop her because it's already dark. She went inside and yelled.

"I'm home! "As she entered her house. She feel a bit weird when she was taking off her shoes because she saw an extra shoes. But she shrugged it off and thought her mother bought a new shoes.

"Shoyo! I thought I said to come before it gets dark !" said Shoyo's  mother as she come to greet her daughter.

"I know, sorry mom. . I didn't mean it. Either way, Kiyoko drove me home since she said it'll be a bad idea if I walked along. Coach Ukai  had to explain us about ----" she was cut off by her sister.

"SHOU!!~~ Did you missed me ?~" said her sister teasingly. (I wanna make her sister's name a secret until the time's come for me to tell about her. Don't worry, It'll be out in the same part; I guess { and I you guys don't mind Imma gonna ship her sister with someone. hint: Shiratorizawa. And yes, her sister study at Shiratorizawa.I might aswell call Hinata Shoyo as Shoyo though it's a bit weird but.... I hate things that's confusing more than weird things~ so please bare with my shortcut brain if you guys didn't really like the idea I used. I just wanna make thing easier. Enough talk lets CONTINUE!! Sorry if I said to much. )

Shoyo was so shock when she saw her older sister at their house. Because the excitement when she saw her sister, she forgot about what she was going to tell her mother and 

"Nee-chan!!??! What are you doing here? How's school? And OF COUURSE I missed you!!" She said and run over her sister to hug her .

"AWW.. That's sooo sweet of you Shou! Anyway, I'm here to see if it's really true that you REALLY turn into a girl...but don't get me wrong I'm actually visiting since I missed you guys sooooooooo much that I couldn't hold it so I decided to visit you guys after done releasing my new album. Besides I'm pretty sure the teachers wouldn't mind if I do. Well, I've already did it anyway. And yeah, school is just find I guess. Nothing new. BUT now~~~"her sister start smirking while looking at her younger sister and

"GIRL'S TIME!!" She yelled dragging Shoyo by the wrist making her  school beg to fall.( If it's confuse you, the beg is Shoyo's)




As the sisters leaves their mother were just looking at the both of them being close to each other while giggling. She then took Shoyo's beg until suddenly a paper fell out of the beg. When she pick it up, she saw that it was a training camp permission slip. She decided to wait until her daughter to bring it up later on or she'll ask about it later. And with that, she put the slip back in her daughter's beg and continued cooking.

While  Niko(shoyo's mom) is cooking, Shoyo went showering with her older sisters in the hot spring tub.

Hinata her sisters are done bathing and putting their clothes on.

Later, Shoyo when to the living room to be greeted by her younger sister.

"Shou nee-chan~ Your home? I thought your gonna came home late since it's been a month you haven't  play volleyball. Anyway, can you help me with my home work?" ask Natsu her younger sister.

Shoyo just chuckled when she saw her younger before she replied;

"Yes~ I'm home. and I as you say I actually want to stay longer but my instincts say I should go home. Seems I'm right that Nee-chans home. And don't worry, I'll help you with your home work. But later okay? I want to help mom cooked dinner." She said and started heading to the kitchen.

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