Instantly, Rhea pulled back and looked around a place to hide. She was too far away from the door to leave the room and too near to this door to hide behind things. The only place nearby was the balcony door.

It was a small balcony with merely a space for two to three people to stand. She holds her breath as she hears footsteps and voices,

"What do you mean the duke is after us?"

"His men are checking into our backgrounds."

"That's troublesome. What do we do?"

"Not to worry, I've turned the suspicion to Lady Helen."

"But wouldn't that eventually lead them to go after me? I'm her lady in waiting after all."

"If it comes to that, then rest assured. Your background is as clear as a white paper. They will soon move on from investigating you."

"I do hope so."

"What about the gem then? Where do we hide it? We can't keep it with us forever."

"Did you bring it?"

"Of course."

"Kyle and the others have already sneaked out to use it to get the sacred relic. We are to meet them after a while behind the waterfall."


"I can't wait to get my eyes and hands upon that sacred relic."

"It is said to possess divine powers, I wonder what happens to the one that will touch it."

"From what the records say, the one who possesses it will be granted and blessed with endless fortune and fame along with good luck."

"Our hiding days are over. After we get it, it's time to take over."

"Our forces are already ready."

"Now, let us wait for our victory."

Suddenly the balcony door opens, and the man who spoke these words, stare wide eyes at Rhea, who was so engrossed in listening in, that she didn't hear the footsteps approaching. And when she saw that man staring, she looked around, figuring out where to escape since they were currently on the second floor, beneath lay a concrete floor. The only option was the nearby tree that was a bit too far.

"What the-"

Before the guy could grab her, she pulls out the hidden knife, aiming at him.

"Back off!"

The guy takes a few steps back to stand a few feet ahead of Lady Sarah and her husband.

"Lady Rhea? What are you doing here?"

The shock was apparent on Lady Sarah's face.

Rhea without answering throws her knife straight at them. While they got busy with ducking and saving themselves from being cut, Rhea takes this opportunity to jump at the tree.

However since it was a bit far, she barely manages to catch one of the weak thin branches, that breaks due to her weight and she ends up falling until she holds on to another branch. This one is stronger than the one before. And using that, she was able to climb down the floor. Although in the end, she did end up stepping on her dress and slipping.

Fortunately for her, there were a few scraps here and there that includes a light bruise on her elbow, scratches on her hands and arms, and a small scratch on her cheek. Her hair was disheveled.

But she paid no heed to it. For now, her appearance was scarcely of importance. She shot one glance at the three people who were glaring at her and then disappearing. Possibly to catch her.

Knowing that she then runs. Her first course of action was to find Argus and tell him the details. He might know of the place where they took the gem and from there they could find it.

When she is about to enter the ballroom, her eyes meet with the three people from before. Instantly, she hides behind the table lined with beverages and food. Staying down, she looks around to find Argus until she locates him quite near to her and walks quite fast towards him.

Argus who was also looking around for Rhea gets surprised to see her appear so suddenly in front of him and even more surprised to see the state she was in.



Speaking at the same time, Rhea takes a deep breath after all the running she did.

"We need to talk."

"What happened? Why are you like this?"

Argus reached out his hand to take the few leaves on her hair when she suddenly grabs his hand and pulls him.

"But nowhere. They are after us. Come on!"

"They? Who? What?"

Argus who was confused still rushed with Rhea who pulled him away after seeing how those three noticed her.

They rush to the hallway and then hide in one of the alleys. When they see those three go the other way, that's when Rhea turns out to explain the situation to Argus.

"What's going on, Rhea? I told you to be careful. Why are you like this?"

He softly asks while taking the leaves off her hair. One of his hands was gently holding her arm that was scratched and slightly bruised.

"I..uh...jumped down the balcony and fell off a tree..."

Argus's expression turns cold, his eyes narrowing. Rhea knew that he was thinking how that was not being careful.

"Lady Rhea are you there?"

Suddenly a voice calls out to them. Rhea didn't want anyone to look at her in this state. Recognizing this, Argus pulls her into a hug by wrapping his arm around her, while her back was at the woman who just called out to her. Rhea's face was pressed against his chest and this caused heat to flow to her face. Feeling flushed and her heartbeat rising, she deduced it was either due to all the running she did or the fact that Argus was hugging her. Something kept telling her it was due to the latter.

"Oh my.."

The lady said upon seeing the two of them embraced in a hug.

"Is there something wrong?"

Argus spoke coldly like he always did to strangers.

"Not at all. It was just that Lady Sarah was looking for Lady Rhea. I didn't know she was with you, my Duke. I apologize for disturbing you."

"It's fine. If anyone's looking for her, just tell them she's with me."

"Yes, my Duke."

It was then when she walked away from that Argus, stepped away from Rhea, and let her go.

"Now would you care to explain what happened?"

"....of course."

Rhea's cheeks were still tinted red and she couldn't stop thinking about what happened a moment ago. Her heart was beating like crazy, she wished it would stop since she was scared Argus would hear it, even if she knew it was impossible. But the way her chest felt like it would explode, she knew what she was feeling couldn't be stopped. She had realized this on a lot of occasions before, but never paid attention to it and tried her best to ignore it, however, she knows that she can't stop her feelings and the fact that she liked Argus.

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