Chapter 2

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          Today was Monday and I had to get ready for school. For some reason I was happy about going to school today. The birds were churping and the sun was shining. I felt as if something was wrong with me because I never have loved school. When I reached there Kayla was walking inside and gestured me to follow her. When I did she was giggling at me. It made me smile, but I was confused. She stopped in the middle of the hall to wait for me and looped her arm in mine as I walked up to her.
"So where's Lizzy" I said.
"Well she got detention for cheating on her Chemistry test after looking at Joe's paper"
"Damn, that must suck"
"Ya, she'll be fine. Anyway I wanted to talk about you, Alison"
"Me, what did I do"
"Nothing hun. I just have a feeling that there's a certain vibe between you and
"What....what th-at's cr-azy." I stuttered.
"Alison, you really think I'm that stupid to not notice how you and Tyler look at each other. It's like fate. He obviously really likes you, so you should ask him out"
"Wait, what no no no I can't do that and to be honest he doesn't even like me in that way"
"Sure Ali, I see how he looks at you, now ask him out before it's too late"
"Maybe when i'm ready, Kay"
"Alright, but you guys would make a cute couple" Kayla said winking while walking to first period. Maybe she was right it could be too late if I don't ask him out soon, but I was afraid. After talking to myself for a bit I suddenly realized that I wasn't even keeping track of the time. First period was about to start and I was going to be late. Mr. Keiman doesn't like it when your late. He would give you detention. Uh I hate stricked teachers, but I got stuck in Mr. Keiman's Geography class so I have to live with it. After class, that I was so happy to get out of I started to walk up to my locker. I had to get my science textbook for my next period. Just when I opened my locker a white slip of paper fell out. I crouched down to pick it up. When I unravelled the note there was nicely handwritten letters that were written on it. The note had said

Alison meet me at the football field at 10am sharp.

From: Tyler

        I wondered what Tyler wanted to tell me. I was hoping it wasn't something horrible. Trying to keep my head held high I walked to the field and saw Tyler sitting on the bench. He looked a little worried. His knee was shaking and that made me worry that something might of happened. I walked up to him and sat on the bench. I said
"Hey what was it that you wanted to talk to me about"
"Oh, hey Alison. Well I wanted to ask you something. Just saying this is all my Foster families fault"
"Well my family wants to meet you. I told them how a great friend you were and they want to invite you to dinner tonight"
"Oh that's generous of your family to invite me over"
"So your not scared"
"Scared? Why would I be scared?"
"Well my family can be a little annoying"
"I think I would like them once I get to know them"
"Alright, can you be there by 5pm"
"Ok i'll see you tonight Ali." Tyler got up off the bench and headed back to class. I really liked the idea of meeting his family. I just hope they like me.

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