Chapter 23: Living Again

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Copyright © 2020, Nikki B. Lourie if you are reading this work on any other domain than Wattpad, it has been plagiarized. 

"What about an eye transplant?" Raymond suggested after Leslie had finished explaining why he was so down earlier that day.

Leslie visibly shivered. "No thanks. The thought of having someone else's eyeballs in my face freaks me out. Have you never seen that Jessica Alba movie where she got a transplant and the eyes were possessed or something?" Leslie asked him.

"You watched that movie?"

"Well...I listened to it."

Raymond laughed, shaking his head. "No, I never took you for a horror buff. You look like you'd be more of a drama kind of guy—if you even like movies at all."

"I hate dramas. I especially hate anything that makes me cry. I loathe expressing vulnerability," Leslie seethed.

"But weren't you crying earlier with Janessa?" Raymond asked while counting inventory in the cabinets. He wanted to grocery shop, but he hated buying more than two of anything. Sometimes he never got around to using it and the product would spoil which was a tragic waste of money in his mind.

"Janessa makes me feel as if I can be myself. I know it's safe for me to show her my vulnerable side. She never judges me."

He could hear the smile in Raymond's voice as he responded which caused him to smile also. "Janessa has that certain charm to her. She really is the sister I've always wanted. Did she tell you all about her new kitchen supplies? Her parents took her shopping yesterday."

"She did. She also insists that I feel them to see how beautiful they all are."

"And have you?" Raymond inquired with a grin.

"I've rubbed them, caressed them, massaged them. I'm not sure what else to do," Leslie replied, tapping his finger on the countertop while listening to Raymond rummage around the kitchen.

"You could buy them dinner."

"Ha. Ha. Ha! I'm going to practice."

"I was joking," Raymond called after him, clucking his tongue. Not long after, he could hear Leslie's harp sing throughout the house.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to let him know," Janessa ended her call. "Raymond," she sang her head bobbing about on her neck.

"That's me!"

"You never told me what we were doing today. Look at all of my beautiful appliances waiting to be put to good use."

He laughed, nodding his head slowly. "You don't have to convince me. I want to grocery shop, but I'm checking to make sure I don't over-purchase. Leslie never gives me a budget, but I still want to be mindful of the money I spend."

"Such good morals, you have," Janessa affectionately patted his head before leaning against the counter. "Raymond, Leslie told me that Lana's favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie. Do you think you could teach me how to make it? I'd love to prepare one for her when she wakes up."

"Of course." He stopped his inventory to jot down a few ingredients off of the top of his head. "Not only will I teach you how to make it, but you'll get to learn to do it from scratch, crust and all," Raymond promised.

Janessa smiled in appreciation. At night during their pillow talk, Janessa would always ask Leslie to tell her stories about his mother. She didn't want him to give up hope on the idea of her one day opening her eyes, and it made her feel closer to Lana being able to learn about her. "You're too quiet."

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