herbs for you

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They left They left! What I'm I going to tell belos?! He won't be very happy about me Failing this mission and loosing the inmate. What should I do? Do I need to do something to kill the time. So I decided to go around and get the herbs needed.


we rode the dragon back and the palismen. All came out unharmed but shaken to say the least. Me and luz walked back the walk was silent something 6th questions here and there. But, none about what happened to me while there.

"Soooo how pissed are you-?"

"Heh, I'm not pissed at you no never in a million years! BUT THE GOLDEN GAURD IM BEYOND MAD AT HIM!"

"Yeah yeah I bet you are how's earth and lilith-?"

"Well eda is pissed and was getting ready to kill someone, lilith is beyond worried an won't go with her mom until your safe, king is sleeping in your bed and being stressed, and hootie is hootie"

"Huh why I'm I not surprised"

I couldn't help but chuckle cause I had a small feeling that this would happen. We made almost to the front lawn of the owl house. Before I was pumeld to the ground with hugs and cries from those around me. It was all my friends and eda, lilith, hootie, and alot of my friends. Every one was welcoming me back and saying how much they missed me. It was sweet mostly the other part was being bagred on not being strong enough.

"Guys I'm OK! I promise! Sorry I didn't fight back it's just I was in a daze when it all happened"

"Which made you get caught! You need to be paying more attention!"

Eda baggered me on the subject, my friends have left by now except amity-? What's going on with Luz and her I know she likes her but did she tell her-? Her hair also looks way different but a good different the purple hair suited her nicely.

"Hey are you even listening?!"

I snapped my attention back to eda.

"Heh sorry I got distracted"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Chuckling lighty to myself I felt sorta bad for kinda ignoring eda.

"Sorry eda my head is sorta spacey right now"

I chuckled once more, I wasn't lying when I said I was spacey I just didn't want to say what. I have no idea how eda will react if she finds out something things that happened (not like that tho,, nothing inappropriate!!! Dirty minded fools,, lol no not fools just dirty minded like me >:3 lmao that's probablyweird to say). She looked at me as if she was questioning me if I was telling the truth or not but she believed me. She waved me off with a wave of her hand and a slight Annoyed sigh. She knew I was spacey and had trouble paying attention to people all the time. But, I still tried to keep my mind at focus. Sometimes it was easy but others not so much. And today was just not my day for paying attention to anyone or anything when I came home. I was still trying to wrap my head around things that happened over the course of a few days. And, all the things I missed, I have a lot of cleaning I need to make up for. I walked towreds the house ready to be punced on by king once more. Or hootie being hootie and probably eat me than spit me out again. I chuckled at the thought, the door was slightly agar. Good I thought to myself now I can avoid hootie. I walked in briskly slowly shutting the door behind me. I went up to my room, me and luz didn't share a room I took a spare room sane as she did. I entered looking at my phone with temptation but I sat down on my make shift bed and just thought to myself. I tucked my knees to my chest my arms and hands holding my knees close. I layed my head down on my knees my hair falling on my legs and knees, Slightly tickling me. I started thinking to myself about random thoughts about anything. Some times I would break my trance from hearing a slight sound and getting caught off gaurd by that noise. But, then back into your trance for a while again.


I walked around trying to find the herbs needed for them. I didn't know why helping them was important but it felt important. Important that they get the they need. So they won't have anymore coughing fits. It'll help for a little bit but I have no idea how long.


I finally gotten everything needed for the medicine I even added a note on how to use the herbs. And, where to find  the herbs if they where to run out. Which eventually they will. I put them away in my satchel I got out my magic staff. Making my way to the owl house I'll need to sneak in some how. Maybe it's already late every one is most likley inside. It didn't take me very long to get to the strange home called the owl house for reasons that No one speaks of. I peered through the windows trying to find there's.



I hit that thing away from me multiple times before it shut up and left. God I hate that stupid bird thing I haven't even seen it for an hour yet and I hate it.  I kept looking through the windows till I think I found  there room. Mostly cause they were sleeping at this moment. I gently tapped on the window to wake them up but they didn't want to wake up lovley I'll have to get them another time. But, I didn't know how much I'd have to see them again to give them the medicine. I knocked even louder on the window to wake them up. This time they did stir a little bit they looked in my direction then away from me. They kept there face away from me then wiping back to me quite quickly. I waved at them they opened the window quickly I didn't come in I grabbed tthet smiled at me and he medicine from my satchel.

"Here read the note this will help your cough and the note tells you where to find the stuff"

I extended my arm with the draw string bag. The took the bag their fingers brushing against mine sending a chill down my spine. They smiled at me with gratitude and with that I left.


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