hunting a palismen prt 1

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I sat quietly in your cell you found a rock. I picked up a rock and threw it hoping it would hit someone. I heard aight chuckle a chuckle that no one could miss place a chuckle that I hate the most.

"Ya know round ears you could've hit the wrong person and ruin there day~"

"Did I ruin yours?"

I couldn't help but smile devilishly. Just a little bit not alot.

"Well unless you dont want a cure then I'll be on my way"

I shot up hastily went to the bars of the cell. I clutched them tightly to the point my knuckles turned white. I rested my head on the bars.

"Please don't go"

"Aw you want me to help you~? but shucks if the human finds put they won't be very happy~"


I wanted to beg for his help tears felt as if they were there but couldn't come out. The footsteps stopped I wanted to yell louder but how could I?.

"Alright round ears but we are going to have to do my mission for belos first"

"Alright deal"

My hands clenched from the bars, I was trying to relax my hands but it was sorta hard.

"Do your hands always clench like that or does it happen when agitated?"

"It goes both ways"

I leaned back a little my head looking away from his direction. My hands slowly but surely relaxing. Once they where unclenched I flexed my fingers a little bit.

"By the way round ears this mission will take place at night so be ready when I need you, oh that's right you don't have anything to get ready into do you?~"

"Wow I'm so hurt I'm balling my eyes out at this point"

"Huh you got some moxie talking back round ears~"


With that he was gone walking away once more. As much as his presence was unwanted at times it was nice to have someone to talk to. Instead of sitting in a dumb cell all day expect eat sleep rest room breaks repeat. To me this was getting quite tedious and over all boring. Any change of scenery would be lovley to me at this point. Even the boiling rains sound better than this place! Now that's really saying something, I feel like no one gets thrown in here only for special reason they were here. Or they did something horrible. Or wardens warth dosen't think your foot for society. Then theres me I don't know why I'm here and I don't want to he here. Maybe it's because I was with the owl lady and they have questions. Yeah that has to be it! I hit my hand on my fist as if I solved something that no o e has the ability to fix. Except me but it wasn't that it was just me coming up with a conclusion for all I know could be totally wrong. What if it is wrong and I'm assuming that I know what I'm doing but I don't. I never really have had a sense of direction unless me and luz were together. If not then I was kinda lost and now I'm lost more than ever. I turned my back to the cell bars. I slumped down holding my head between my legs. I was shaking the thought of being lost with out luz with me by my side to create chaos and have fun scared me. Cause she was gone doing something else probably forgetting I exist. Maybe she's happier this way. Maybe its better if I let this sickness kill me. Then nobody will suffer or have to deal with me again not even myself. A small smile played at the edges if my lips. Without realizing it tears were dripping from my face like a leaky faucet.



I was studying a little bit on plant medicine. It seemed easy enough I'll just have to bring the book with me for reference to the plants we need to help with the coughing. Jeez I hope this works I tucked the book away in my cloak. Thankfully I was able to snag an emporers coven uniform for the human so they can sneak around undetected. And, so I can take them with me on this trip so I can get help with the plants needed to make the medicine. I got the outfit in my hands I walked swiftly to the dongen when I came to the back of the cells I couldn't help but hear muttering. As I walked closer it was round ears they seemed up set. I cleared my throat to let the human know I was here.

"Round ears I got you cloths to change into"

"Do you think luz is doing fine without me?"

Their voice whimpered and cracked as they spoke. I sighed inaudibly so they wouldn't hear. I sat on the other side of the bars. I set the cloths next to the bars.

"If you want and I mean by want I mean you will change I won't look, and to answer your question I would say yes luz gave you a look while we left it looned like sarow and vengeance never in my life did I see the expression until I saw luz"

I heard sniffles it was most definitely from round ears.

"Thank *sniffle* thank you so much that meant alot to me, I'm changing so you dare turn around and risk mortal peral"

I chuckled at her comment. They really thought they were scary they aren't.

"Ok I'm done you can look now"

I turned around it was like I was looking at a gaurd. I had to do a double take just to make sure.

"What's my nickname for you?"

I leaned in close the gaurd back away there hands up to show there not a threat.

"Wait that was a nickname? I always thought round ears was just a way to get on my nerves"

"No round ears it's a nickname Tch of course you wouldn't understand"

"Can we just get going?"

I sighed loudly this time so they could hear me.

"Fffiiinnneee follow me"

I unlocked the door they stepped out stretching a bit. They sighed in relief to be out of that cell most likley. I pulled them close our masks almost touching. I death gripped there arm.

"Try anything and I will not hesitate to kill you, ok now that's settled let's go!"

And, with that we walked off tworeds the air balloon.

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