tight money pt 2 (edited)

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"Hey has anyone seen Y/N?"

She went around asking everyone on board the ship if they had seen them. But, they haven't seen them in a while. With no sign of king ethier something was definitely up. But, she didn't know what, she couldn't figure out what was going on the ship seemed to be completely fine.

"Luz get over here! We need you to see this!"

Luz had made her way quickly to the boat where everyone was located. She looked over the side of the boat the water was rippling and it was doing that quite alot. She pulled out her gilefs from her back pocket. The monster jumped out of the water. Luz attempted to hit it with fire. But, she missed and failed it swam away hastily. She pulled out a fire and ice glif she hit the ice to the water used the fire to propel itself. The boiling water was going to melt this ice fast she had to hurry. (Eda stole the money as soon as luz left) luz barley made it to the land. When she got there she saw a mystery person there. She pulled a glif out from her back pocket about ready to hit the person with vines. But they turned around it was eda?!


"WHAT LUZ?! What are you dong here?!"

"Better yet what are you doing here?!"

"What the emporers boats are the better boats to loot"

She shrugged her shoulders not really bothered at how angry luz was getting. Luz sighed obviously annoyed with eda but she wasnt gonna say it.


I was riding along with the golden gaurd. I was forced to sit close to him since he handcuffed the bith of us together. I growled lowley I was pissed at this point I didnt want to be here. King is most likely taking a nap right now gosh he always does takes nape everywhere. The thought of it couldn't help but make you smile at the thought. I was leaning his back, the it was the sort of smile that you can tell without looking that person is smiling.

"aww are you day dreaming bout me?~"

"Uuh as if I'm daydreaming about you I was thinking about other things"

"Huh? Like what hot guys with no shirts on?"

"Bleh! Nasty!"

He chuckled at me! How dare he! I'm not one to be chuckled at! You grumbled under your breath ar him. We were approaching a beach a fast he dipped down into the water. Mind you the water is boiling and it's hot as hell. He dropped down on the beach he had the armor to protect him but on the other hand i wasn't so lucky. I fell to my knees the hot boiling dripping water dripping of my hair and skin. Whimpering in pain I looked up forward to see luz she was shocked to see me.

"L...luz, eda"

I looked at the both of them, I felt horrible. Luz was down right worried while eda was trying to figure out how to help me with no magic. the burns from the water searing my skin. Even we were only down there for a few mere seconds it hurt like hell. Falling to my knees I felt to weak to move the burns hurt.

"Wow I didn't know boiling waters had that effect on people!"

Luz spoke up with frustration with him.


I had forgotten that I was handcuffed to the golden guard. In which when I turned to face him he was leaning down wards since I had fallen on the ground. He didn't bother go bring himself back up he knew it would be to painful. So he decided to sit down next to me. He nwas looking straight in my direction probably looking at the burns. He grabbed my arm lighty he slid his hand to mine to look at the damge.

"Hehe~! Y/N if I had my phone right now I would so take a picture~"

I wiped my head over in her direction. I growled in her direction more laughter came from her. If I wasnt chained up next to this guy along with having these burns I'd be wrestling with her at this moment.

"I'm gonna hurt you one of these day luz"

I said with a sour tone tworeds her. I reinstated my glare back to the golden birdie sitting next to me. He began to speak up.

"As much as I'd like to see how your family Pickering is I need one of you to slay that monster and the human will work on the boat to repay all the lost debt and eda the owl lady will come back with me"

He took his magic staff out he made a sword with his staff. Luz walked over to pick up the sword.

"I'll do it"

And, with that she grabbed the sword and walked away. Eda was not to far after her. The golden gaurd made his way over to some flat rocks to sit on me being forcefully followed by him. It felt like lava was searing my skin with each step it felt unbearble. We both sat down on some rocks you had kings cage on his back of the belt. Which I didn't even know about. He lifted the cloth which made king stir turn and when he put the cloth down he layed down. He did this a few hundred times. He chuckled at king being his strange yet adorble self, you chuckled as well.

"That's king for you he acts like that on a daily basis"

"Heh really?"

"Yeah it's kinda funny actually"

I smiled at him then it slowly faded into nothingness. I looked down at my feet what am I doing? I'm being buddy buddy with someone I'm against. Luz would be pissed at me or she would be disappointed. Without me realizing it I was thinking but I was also looking straight at him. He was trying to get my attention back to the real world.

"ROUND EARS! Jeez you need to pay attention more you know that?"

"Oh- sorry I got distracted thinking about things"

"Like what?"

He leaned in closer I don't know why but he did. Which in turn made you lean away from him a little bit.

"Ok buddy ever heard of personal space?"

"Hehe yeah but personal space is gonna get invaded now cause in curious"

I let out a long heaving sigh looking away from him. Pinching the bridge of my nose with frustration. Noises were heard from the cage you both looked over to see luz fighting the sea monster it was sad that she had to do this. A soft chuckle was heard the the golden mask. Luz slayed the monster it was sad to see it happen even though it was in a mere shadow. She walked out she was touching it with her hands kinda gross I couldn't help but make a face.

"Ew why are you touching it with your hands it absolutely vile round ears here even agrees"

He pointed his thumb tworeds you.

"Yeah it's a kinda gross sis"

I rubbed my arm feeling bad that I agreed with him. Knowing luz she's going to get upset.

"Wha!? Your agreeing with him now?!"

"Its not like we're best buds or anything! I'm just agreeing with the fact that touching it is kinda nasty-"

"Uuugh! Ok ya know what I've done what you asked now give me king!"

"Ya know he also smells pretty bad too so take him"

He tossed over the cage to luz.

"Ok saying the sea monster smells is one thing king is another"

I told him that fully facing him he also turned to face you. He patted me on the head in turn made me even more pissed then I already was. I swatted his hand off my head.

"Don't touch"

"Now give me them!"

"Ehhhh they'll seem useful so I don't think i will but thanks for asking!"

He pulled out his staff put me in front and him on the back of it right behind me. Luz running to catch me to grab me.


and with that we were gone I was star struck to process what happened one minute I'm sitting the next I'm looking at the golden gaurd the next my sister running tworeds me as me and the golden gaurd take off on his staff.

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