The goddess

14 0 0


April 22, 2021

Dear Mrs. Wattpad

  I hate that I have to do this, but you've left me no choice. I have been waiting patiently for years hoping that this was some sort of mistake and that you would soon make everything right, but it seems like either your not interested in making things right or you just haven't notice. I find it hard to believe that an injustice like what I've faced for years haven't been notice, but since I am a generous person I will go with the latter and hope that you will make things right with me in a timely manner. Anyway, my complaint goes as follows:

I have been on this platform for years releasing my great works upon it, exclusively, I might add. If you check my library you will see all of the great works I have produced over the years- over seven full-fledged amazing novels and three short amazing stories. These stories are by no means the greatest stories I could tell, for right now I'm working on something that will give even them a challenge. However, I am extremely hesitant to put them on your website since my previous works haven't gathered the attention that they deserve, and I know that they should get more than they've gotten since everyone who I've invited to read them tell me that my work had brung tears to there eyes. I even witness it with my own eyes. My works are master-pieces and anyone who's read my stories will no doubt tell you the same thing. And yet whenever I upload one of my masterpieces to your website no one sees it; none of my stories seem to get the views they deserves. None of my stories have gotten more than twenty views, and if you've read my stories you would know much of an injustice this is. now I wouldn't mind this if you were a smaller platform like you were back in the day when I first posted my greatness upon you, but that isn't the case, for I've been seeing other so called writers post there stuff and received millions of views instantly. I'm not one to judge others work to my own since that would be unfair, but I feel as if the comparison is needed in order to do this letter any justice (which is shaping up to be a master-piece in itself just the same as everything I write). The stories that get a high amount of views from your so called readers don't deserve it. Their stories don't even compare to the greatness of mine. Its all generic. Their love is generic, their characters are generic and their writing is equally as generic unlike my own prose which flows like water and sticks like glue upon the brain of anyone lucky enough to look upon it. No doubt the people who've read them are all in shock at what they've read since they've never seen anything so good. No doubt their brains must be still adjusting themselves in order to handle what it just witnessed. And no doubt they'll come out better for having read my stories than reading ten million of these so called great stories on Wattpad.

I'll end my letter here and just say that I'm just looking to get what I'm owed for allowing you to host my great works on your platform. One billion views on each of my stories will be payment enough. Please get to it immediately. I've waited enough as you no doubt will realize once you take a look at any of my stories. 


Visionary the true goddess of Wattpad


April 23, 2021

Dear Mrs. Wattpad

  24 hours ago, I sent you a letter complaining about the lack of views I've been receiving from the great works of literature I've been posting on your website for years now. None of my stories have gathered more than 20 views even though they are the greatest pieces of literature on this site. As I've said in my last letter to you, I've been seeing other users get millions of views for there works even though they are no were near my level when it comes to producing fine pieces of literature. Some of them cannot even write and yet they get millions of views while I can't even get my work past twenty views?! What short of operation are you running!? What sort of readers do you have on this website? Can they not tell the difference between good literature and bad literature? My literature is good and there literature is below average at best and that is me being extremely generous. It would be easy for me to blame this injustice on your audience, but as a writer I would never go about blaming the people, for the people are who I'm trying to attract, and the people will gravitate towards talent when they see it, but based on my views, it seems as if a good majority of them don't see it, which is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately!

I think the best course of action would be for y'all to start promoting me. I need to be read by all of your users in order That they might see what real literature looks like. This could also help greatly with this websites image since people online in various different forums have numerous charges against y'all on account of y'all promoting works that don't deserve to be promoted. Just by promoting my work people will start taking y'all serious, and y'all will instantly get over a billion users instead of the millions y'all have right now who as it seems don't know what good literature looks like.

As I have said in my last letter, I've put up with this injustice for far to long and I wont be standing for it any longer. I deserve a billion views

I expect a reply to this letter within twenty-fours hours of me sending it. I'm tired of waiting, so if you don't either give me a reply nor give me the billion of views I rightfully deserve than I'll write another letter telling you of my canceling my user account. I'll take my work else were.


Visionary the true goddess of Wattpad


April 24, 2021

Dear Mrs. Wattpad

  This is my last letter to you before I hit unpublish on all the books I've published on this website and publish them else where that will appreciate my works for the master pieces that they are. You know I'm the only writer on this website that have any talent, right? All the other writers on this site can't hold even the tiniest of candles to my great writing. Here is all of the things you are giving up by not keeping me:

1). Great writing

2). Respect

3). Prestige

4). Name recognition

5). Expansion

Without me you won't be getting any of the things listed above. My writing is the best in the world right now and that is a fact. It deserves respect, for no one else can do it half as good as me. My skill is so great that even the gods above take notice of the great care I take in crafting my stories. Does twenty views I average are from them. I found out yesterday while doing some investigation. Apparently my name is recognized in the realm that they live in, so if you ever want to expand into the gods realm your out of luck without me.

Like I said up above, this is my last letter before calling it quits on this website. Good luck trying to find someone else as me. It won't happen.


Visionary the true goddess of Wattpad

Dear Wattpad

Good-bye Wattpad! It wasn't pleasant knowing yeah!


Visionary the true goddess of Wattpad


April 25, 2021

Dear Mrs. Wattpad

  Good-bye Wattpad! It wasn't pleasant knowing yeah!


Visionary the true goddess of Wattpad

(Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment if you are able. I will try my best to respond to each and ever one. And if you would like to support me, you can do that by following me. I'll try and update ever week if I can. you can also help me by voting for my work at the top of the page or were ever it is on your device).

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