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Andy was really acting weird for the past few days. He wasn't himself, he was being an asshole. He would sometimes ignore your calls and messages.


"Hey wanna go out tonight" - you

30 minutes later...

"No I'm busy"-Andy 

"Okay..." - you

~End of flashback~

Yep just like that. It was really bothering you. He didn't even bother to apologize. But the thing that really bother you was yesterday when he came to your apartment to watch a movie and it didn't go out as you planned...

~Flashback to yesterday~

"God he is so stupid he shouldn't have hid the true" you complain. You waited for a response from him but didn't get one. "Andy you okay?" you furrow your eyebrows. He doesn't look at you nor responds. "Andy-" "What the hell do you want" Andy snarls. You look at him with confusion written on your face "Hey what the hell is wrong with you."  "Maybe you can stop being annoying Y/N" He gets up, glaring at you. "Really thats the most pathetic thing I've heard." you said. He turns his back and runs his hands through his hair. "what the fuck is really your problem" 

He lets out a loud huff "Your the problem Y/N. Sometimes I can't stand you" Those words stung your heart, "If you can't stand me then why are you with me" you said. Andy doesn't respond, there was a long silence and you both were looking intensely at each other. He suddenly takes his coat and walks his way out the door, slamming it hard. 'what the fuck' you thought. 

You look out the window seeing how he gets in his car and drives away...

(End of flash)

It was work today but you weren't sure if you wanted to see his face. He shouldn't have treated you like that but why did he? You curse yourself as you grab your shoes and jackets and walk out your door. Your head hurt from the nights you couldn't sleep. As you walked through the streets of NY, you kept wondering why were you chasing after a man, you shouldn't be trying to find him at all. But your darn heart led the way, you wanted to ask him why he said those hurtful thing but out of all that you just wanted to hug him. God if your old self looked at you, they would have been disappointed.

Without noticing you finally made it to the building, as soon as you reach the floor office Maria came out of nowhere. "Y/N hi what're you doing here?" she asks. "What do you mean?" you confusedly said. "Oh Mister Barber call and said he wouldn't be coming today" she states. So he was trying to avoid you..huh

"Mister Barber said he will be contacting you...did he?" Maria says. "No, no he didn't...Did he say anything else." you say. "Unfortunately not" she replies. "Okay thanks anyways" you mutter as you made yourself back to the elevator. Fuck you needed to find him.


You don't know how you did it but you did it anyways. Right now you were standing in a big building apartment in the upper east side. Andy never told you where he lived and whenever you wanted to come by he would try to change subjects. A few minutes pass before you finally rang the doorbell. You waited and waited but no answer. So you do it once more.

He doesn't open the front door, a lady came out and you used the opportunity to go in. Now you were standing in front of his apartment door, you took a deep breath and knock. "Andy..." you mutter. No answer, why was he doing this to you. You grab the door handle and it opens. Quietly entering in without him noticing. It was dark, the only lights were the ones from the street that illuminated through the windows. You stop by the corner upon hearing some crying, you turn your head forward and found Andy sitting on the floor crying. 

You take slow steps towards him, he looks up at you and your heart just crushed. Andy looked tired, helpless and full of sorrow. "Hey" you mutter as you sat down next to him. He turns his head to face you, "Y/N...What're you doing here" he mumbles with pain in his voice. "I just wanted to see how you were doing...clearly not so well" you said. Andy lets out a sad smile, "I'm sorry for what happen. I shouldn't have yell those hurtful things to you and I understand if you want to end-"

"Andy I forgive you for what you said to me. This doesn't need to end things. But please tell me why. Why made you say that" you say. Andy turns to look at the window, "I didn't have a reason. I just felt frustrated."  "And why is that. Tell me now Andrew" you demand. "It's...I...It's been an year since my family's death"

"Oh...right...I'm so sorry...It's not your fault y'know." you take his hand into yours and hold it tightly. "Andy look at me." you gently lift his chin, "It wasn't your fault"

Andy breaks down, he pulls you into his arms hugging you tightly as he let his tears out. "Thank you" he mutters. You put your arms around him and hug him tightly. "Go take a bath while I go cook something" you say. He nods his head in your shoulders before you help him get up and watch as he enters the bathroom...

I Hate YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon