Just the Two of Us

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Kara's POV

"Just the two of us?"

"Yes, Barr." I answered to Barry. After we kissed near the lake a few months ago, he's taken me to the best dates I've ever went on, well they are my firsts, but it still says a lot. At some-point after that, I asked him if he wanted to meet my parents back in Smallville on a long weekend, "Martha will love you, I promise." He said 'sure'... hesitantly. I pecked his lips after seeing him make his nervous smile while scratching his neck. He opened the door to the front passenger seat of a black SUV he borrowed from Joe.

"Thanks, babe." I said.

"Babe?" He smirked.

"S- sorry, it just sorta slipped out." I blushed and fiddled with my glasses.

"No, I think it's cute." He replied as I smiled and blushed even more, he picked my chin up and leaned in to give me a small but sweet kiss. I went in, he flicked his keys and the engine started, turning the radio on. As we were driving to the place, a familiar song comes on.

I feel my wings

Have broken in your hands-

"Ooh ooh I know this one!" I excitedly clapped my hands rapidly.

"When they pull you under." I sang along. I gestured my hands, pointing at Barry, telling him to sing along with me. He smiled but shook his head, refusing the offer, "Come on, you have to know this song!" I begged and put on my signature 'Puppy eyes'.

He chuckled, "-Anything you want, oh." He sings along, smiling at the end, 'Oh my Rao, he can sing!' I stated to myself, shocked.

"You were all I wanted." He sang as I'm still staring at him in complete awe.

"You have such a beautiful voice." I thought to myself again, but I had accidentally said it aloud.

"Karr, as much as I do like seeing you stare at me and hearing you compliment me, shouldn't you be singing along with me?" He said, grinning from ear to ear.

I blushed excessively and fiddled with my glasses, "Oh, y- yeah, sorry." He picked up my chin for my eyes to meet his and kissed me gently. I blushed even more but now I was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

"-Fallen down... crawlin' around." We both sang.

"Somebody save me." Barry harmonized the fifth as I did the seventh.

"Let your warm hands break right through."

"Somebody save me."

"I don't care how you do it, just stay, stay."

"C'mon, I've been waiting for you."

We continued to sing along for the rest of the drive, both of us having the times of our lives. Then, after an hour or more, we arrived at my foster parents' house. I loved the house, it was homey, it was big, outside was peaceful, everything I could have have asked for in a house. I mentally thanked them for providing it to me.

Barry then reluctantly shut his car off. I saw this and I quickly grab his hands in mine and smiled at him as he smiled back. I let go of it for a bit for him to step out of the car. He shut the door close as I ran up to him and made contact with his fingers again, walking to the house hand-in-hand. I rapped a few taps at the front door as soon as we arrived.

"What about your dad?" His hands mildly trembling.

"H- he'll go easy on you." I put on a warm smile for him even though I think he could see right through it.

"Really? 'Cause your crinkle and how you said that says otherwise." He pointed to my forehead, "Oh boy, he's that scary isn't he?" He added upon seeing my worried and cringing face.

The door opens for us to be met with Jonathan Kent, my foster father, "Hi, sweetie." He pulled me into an embrace, "And who might you be?" he asked to my right after letting go, puffing out his chest trying to intimidate Barry and having that overprotective parent moment.

I sigh, "Hey, pa, this is my uh..." I drifted out.

"Boyfriend, Barry Allen." Barry immediately gained confidence and holding out his hands. My dad took it, "Ooh, that's a very firm grip." He made a stare to Barry.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" My dad asked, sternly.

"Dad!" I softly warned.

"No, no, it's fine Karr, I intent to love and care for your daughter for all of time with all my heart, Mr. Kent." He responded without hesitation. I was shocked, his personality went from all nervous and awkward to this brave and caring one just for me. I smiled like an idiot with my mouth slightly agape during the thought of this.

"Okay." Jonathan replied, his face still serious, "Come in, Martha and I are going to get ready for dinner."

I mouthed a 'thanks' to Barry as he nodded and went in.

"He's a keeper." My dad whispered to me, smiling. I blushed slightly and went in as well.

Jonathan was climbing up the stairs to find Martha as Barry was looking at the framed pictures lined up against the walls and drawers. He smiled to one of them and pulled out his RAZR flip-phone wanting to take a picture as I quickly snatched it off of him.

"No! Please, you had brown hair! It's really, really cute." He begged, clamping his hands together in-front of his face.

"It was a phase, a bad one." I replied, but he made his own puppy dog eyes. I was compelled immediately at the sight of it, "Damnit! How can you do it too?" I quizzed to myself and giving in, "Fine, you can take the picture." I looked down and pouted.

He put his left hand on my waist and caressed my left cheek with his other and kissed me tenderly, "You're the best, but I don't want to." He said, smiling as I smiled gratefully back at him.

"Seems like you took my advice." Martha spoke up behind me. I turned around to face her, "Hi dear, who's the handsome young man?" She asked as I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey ma." I pulled out of the embrace, "This is my boyfriend, Barry Allen." I gestured my hands to him.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kent." Barry said.

"Please, if Kara cares about you, then by all means, call me Martha." My mom responded, making Barry smile and nod.

Eventually, dinner came and we all sat down to talk about our lives, what Barry was majoring in, families, food, et cetera. I could see that Jonathan was warming up to him. As the night grows and grows, the conversations came to an end and we were slowly making our ways to our sleeps. Not long after, both Martha and Jonathan were already on their bed.

"You can take the bed, Barr." I proposed to Barry.

"I'm the guest, it's only fair if I take the couch." He refused.

"Fine, then I'm going to push yo-" I was interrupted by Barry picking me up by the thighs, heading towards my room, "Barr, put me down!" I demanded, I do have super strength, but I won't ever use it on my Barry.

He laid me down on the bed and put my glasses on the bedside table with him laying on top of me, "Sorry Karr, but this is your house after all." His mouth mere inches away from mines, I glanced down at it, "Thinking of something?" He smirked.

"Maybe." I replied, smiling and biting my lips.

"Why don't you go ahead and show me." He requested.

I pushed my head up and smashed his lips against mine. He closes the door and we began to make out on the bed. Pulling him closer with my arms around his neck. Eventually, we reluctantly parted our kiss as we ran out of breath.

"I think I'm in love with you." He spoke up with a smile, "No, I am in love with you. Kara Kent, I love you." He added, now grinning massively.

I was shocked at this, for a moment I froze a bit, but nevertheless, I smiled too and replied, "I love you too, Barry Allen."

He kissed me goodnight and went to the couch back at the living room. Making me smile thinking about him as I drifted off to sleep.

Superflash - Always There For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora