Chapter 2: Argetlam

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        The cracks on the egg were spreading extremely quickly. Filaen looked up, and Fírnen looked at him with one, glittering eye, then closed it. Filaen looked at Arya. She looked happy, then he looked at Uncle Berr.

        He was extremely happy, surprised and understanding all at the same time. Filaen again looked down at the egg.  After 10 long seconds, the dragon's head popped out of the egg.the whole egg cracked out.

        The shell of the egg was on the ground, and a silver dragon peered at him. He reached out to touch him, and as his hand touched the dragon, a blast of icy energy rushed through him, burning in his veins like liquid fire.

        His body seared with pain as his let out a cry and stepped back, dropping the dragon. He fluttered to the ground, and Filaen was struggling to move, as every movement was an immense  amount of pain. His Uncle gasped and ran to his aid, and held him.

        After many long minutes, the warmth seeped into his body, and left them tingling. His right palm itched like a spider bite, and he looked at his palm. "Ah!!" he cried out as the middle of his palm shimmered as a white oval appeared on his palm.

        Something touched his consciousness, like something briefly trailing on it. He felt as if  an invisible wall around his consciousness had just disintegrated. Frantically reaching for breath, he tried to recall what had just happened.

        He was a Rider. He had a dragon. Struggling to stand up, it mustered the strength to say, "What shall I name him?".

        The question wasn't being answered by anyone, so he thought of names. A.. thing touched his consciousness,  it felt like a dragon. He let it in, and it turned out to be his dragon.

        He tried reaching out with his mind to his dragon, and he found it. Calling out with his thoughts, he asked it, "What shall I name you?" He felt nothing. Gathering his senses, but before he could speak, Queen Arya addressed him. "Come, youngling, for we must leave. There is must we must discuss."

        He looked at his uncle with a pained look. "Queen Arya?" Filaen looked up at her. "Could we bring my uncle  to Ellesméra?".

         Arya looked down at him. "I'm sorry, Filaen, but we can not bring your uncle to Ellesméra".

         His uncle nodded and said, "Filaen, it's for the best."

        "Say your goodbyes, for cannot be hesitant." Arya said, but it was clear she was sad for Filaen. 

         He went up to his uncle, and hugged him. He did not let go of the hug, but then he let go of his uncle. "Goodbye, Uncle Berr. It was good living with you, and you will always stay in my heart." He grabbed his dragon, and walked off.

        A small tear appeared under Filaen's eye as they left the street. Nasuada met up with them, and Filaen had an idea. "Queen Nasuada, will you give my uncle a position of importance? I asked the Queen.

         She stopped, then replied "That can be arranged". Filaen was as happy as could be.

Filaen, the young RiderWhere stories live. Discover now