"i want to run before it's too late. you should consider it too." she says.

he shakes his head, "no, no, i still have a family here. siblings. i cant."

she nods, "i know. i was just letting you know how much work it goes into running away. my 'parents' wouldn't take the fake death since they would only believe it if they see the body. going on vacation, getting kidnapped and killed is the best."

"how would you pull it off?" he asks.

"in the works." she hums and sits down on the stool of her kitchen island.

she throws her jacket off towards the couch, leaving her in her grey tank top.

"ah fuck!" she stands up and turns off the boiling water, "shit." she exclaims loudly in annoyance at her our stupidity for forgetting about it.

his eyes catches the bruise on her wrist then a half covered cut on her back, "what happened?"

"what?" she asks and turns around after she got everything settled.

she groans and wipes the countertop surrounding the boiler.

"your wrist and back." he says.

"uh, coping mechanisms." she answers vaguely and sits down again.

"don't look at me like that." she scoffs as he shakes his head instantly, "i swear i'm not judging!"

"good. let's drop it then." she mutters and they focus on their assignment.


mike headed back to his dorm, giving his roommate lucas a nod before heading to his room.

they were close in a way but they didn't hang everyday like close friends.

he went ahead to his room, shut the door quietly and lays down on his bed.

he grabs his phone and sees the text and voicemails left for him by his parents.

just as he was about to ignore them, a call from his father comes in and he somehow answers.

"i better see you at home tomorrow and not doing some stupid music crap." ted scolds him.

mike sighs quietly and covers his eyes with his palm, "why?"

"it is holly's birthday and i better see you there." he then hangs up as mike drops the phone.

holly. the favourite one. the goddamn favoured kid.

everything she does is correct but when it's done on nancy and him, it's wrong.

she can do whatever she wants and her parents would go and support her also. but him and nancy? they would never ever do something like that.

growing up, they could never do anything they wanted but when holly was born, she was allowed to.

but him and nancy loved holly because it's not her fault that their parents only loves her.

it's not holly's fault.

he goes to call nancy and she picks up immediately.

"buy my part of the present?" he asks in hope, "okay." she answers, "how are you doing?"

"i'm not killing myself yet so that's cool. you?" he asks.

"same." she whispers, "it'll be okay."

"i know. i'll see you tomorrow." he exhales quietly and hangs up.

he goes to charge his phone on his nightstand then opens the cabinet to pull out some painkillers and a bottle of water.

he pours out a handful of the pills out and gulps them down with the water before he stands up to go take a shower.

once he opens the door, he catches lucas about to go in so he goes back into his room.

"you can shower first, man." lucas says, "i've showered once already."

"no, it's good." mike shakes it off, knowing he would probably just take drugs in there to soothe the pain.

"you alright?" lucas asks and pats his shoulder.

"yeah, fine. thanks." mike shoots him a smile, "i'll be in my room, take your time." he says and shuts the door to his room and goes to his nightstand.

he pulls out a small bag filled with cocaine and pours a bit of it onto the nightstand.

using a ruler of his, he fixes it up and piles it up before sniffing it all in.

he knew it was bad. he knew he needed to get this addiction in check but he just couldn't.

they'll take away his escape. they'll take it away.

he takes a deep breath and holds his forehead tiredly. he can't take it anymore but he'll try.

maybe his parents will back off one day. just maybe, maybe they wouldn't take all his interests away and maybe they wouldn't push him off the edge.

but it was just a maybe.

till death do us part | mileven Where stories live. Discover now