"Yeah she's here" he says with a annoyed tone gesturing with his hands for me to to enter. As soon as I enter the house I notice a lot of people sitting round then I realise why the red headed boy was annoyed moaning and groaning echoed through the house from upstairs the sound was slightly distorted by someone coming down the stairs I look up to see who it was hoping it was my mother and  I instantly recognise him...Lip.

"When is it going to fucking end" he says annoyed then his eyes meet mine "Van".

"You two know each other?" the red head questions as me and Lip hold a intense glare for a moment which make me feel giddy, no..

"Em yeah college....we shared a few classes" He answers quickly diverting his gaze  we shared more than a few classes "Why are you here?" He questions with a panicked tone moving to the couch.

"Looking for her mom" the red head answers .

"Take a seat she's going to be a while" a girl with brown wavy hair and brown eyes answers from  the entrance of what I assume is the kitchen "I'm Fiona by the way , that's Ian" she said pointing to the red headed boy standing beside me "that's Debbie" Fiona says pointing to a red headed girl who was sat a small table in the corner of the room , "Carl  " she said moving her hand to point at a young boy maybe 14 who was sat in a arm chair " and this is Liam" she adds placing  her hand on the shoulders of the last boy in the room..

I sit next to Lip on the sofa and Ian takes the other arm chair "Frank is upstairs with your mom" Debbie answers in a annoyed tone I feel like there is tension in the room but I ignore it as am too busy cringing in my seat when I realise the noise is my mom and Frank.

"Oh" I answer "I might just wait outside then" I say standing, Lip stands too.

"I'll come with I've had enough of the noise" he laughs.

We both sit on the front porch in silence Lip lights a cigarette and offers me some I shake my head "I though you smoked?"

"No.. not anymore anyway" I answer looking up at him.

"So where you been? Not seen you around campus not going to lie I thought you were here to tell me your pregnant or something" that reminds me I better start taking the sugar pills.

"No.. I've been home taking care of my sister" I answer "I heard about you and professor Runyon" he looks at me wide eyed "oh come on Lip it's not hard to figure out  you might as well of fucked in lectures in front of everyone" I grin.

"You jealous" he asks nudging me.

"Fuck no" I laugh then his next question caught me of guard.

"Do you miss it..?"  I take the cigarette out of his mouth and take a drag for myself "hey".

"College yeah..." he takes the cigarette off me.

"That not what I meant" he adds flicking ash away and shifts awkwardly.

"What the sex" he nods "No...it was fun at the time but I can't do it again, anyway like I said your fucking professor Runyon" I may or may not have lied.

"Fair enough" he answers "tell me the truth Vanessa why you actually leave your smart you were acing all of you classes" he stares at me, I might as well tell him he was there for me when nobody else was even when he didn't know what was going on.

"My mom she has stage 3 Cancer" Lip goes wide eyed " I had to give up my tuition because my mom's medical bills are so  fucking expensive and take care of her she's dying " my eyes fill with tears and he puts his arm around him I look up at Lip he looks angry "what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Van I think my deadbeat father's using your mom?" He spits out "because he's a selfish fuck".

"I guess that's another thing we Have in common deadbeat fathers" I laugh he looks at me surprised "Lip my mom isn't stupid she's looking to rebel and have some fun she's been given a death sentence for fuck sake" i sniffle, "my dad was a controlling motherfucker, i'm not gonna go and rain on her parade after years of that I wouldn't be surprised if my mom isn't just using him".

"I guess but I don't like it Van" he says taking a long drag of the cigarette

"Neither do I but she's a 48 year old women she allowed to do what she wants". The door opens and out walks Fiona with Coffee she hands us the mugs.

"It's stopped now" she says with a smile

"Thanks" we answer in unison she returns back inside.

"So where's your dad" Lip asks awkwardly taking a sip of the coffee from a brown slightly chipped mug.

"The city he's a lawyer".

"Why isn't he paying for your tuition"I scoff, as he nudges me.

" if I stepped foot in his office Lip I'm setting myself up for a life  misery" I sigh taking the cigarette out of Lips hand again.

"You know if you need anything I'm here right"  I nod getting up taking the cup with me I walk inside leaving Lip.

I sit on the couch waiting for my mom to appear the rest of Lips family make small talk with me they seem nice after what seems like hours I hear feet on the stairs I look behind me to see my mom, her dark red hair looked like a birds nest, you can faintly see the balding patches, her green eyes lock onto my own green ones she looks fairly pleased with herself,I stand to face the stairs , Frank wasn't far behind her in his underwear of all things he looked like a hobo oh Christ mother Lip walks in just as Frank spoke " oh your the daughter", he looks me up and down "I see, like mother like daughter" he comments.

"Shut the fuck up Frank" he snaps standing behind me his hand brushes my lower back, once they were at the bottom Mom kissed him, I Snap.

"Come on  mother" I give her a look grabbing her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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