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The Lord considered the blessings He had bestowed on His faithful, Jalyn and Cadence: they had a place to live and a home, if not a house of their own; they had each other and their family, and that was good. They lived by faith, encouraging each other and those around them by the way they lived, and He found He was prepared to bless them even more for every challenge they might meet, should the opportunity present itself.

Satan stood before Him as He too considered the Lord's faithful.

"You will add to their blessings and still expect them to succeed?"

"If I deem them worthy, the blessings are mine to give," the Lord reminded His servant who came before Him.

"Yes, but the devotion of your faithful has been tempered by hardship. Don't you fear if their life is made easy, they will find they no longer have need of you?" Satan sneered.

"I don't think so," the Lord argued. "Their faith shines through to everyone they meet. While it is true their hardships have tempered them and made them strong, they are worthy to enjoy my blessings too. I have no doubt that together they shall meet your original challenge: Open Faith, Harmony, and the ability to Listen in the presence of modern rhythm of life, while living amongst modern men, while in the presence of free will," the Lord decreed.

"Ah ... I'm glad you remember what my challenge was ... for in amongst your blessings you have given them not only security, but also money ... and money is known to corrupt. This life is not over, and while I concede they have done better than before, better than I expected, I do not despair of proving my point to you."

"I maintain they shall thrive with the resources I have provided, not squander them away, nor fall victim to the temptations you provide," the Lord said. "Rather how they handle my blessings may come to be an example to others."

"True. These two regularly turn their backs to such open attempts to cause them to fall from grace or to lessen their faith through hardships and trials faced by themselves. But there are other ways to temp those with plenty ... other lives that touch theirs which can affect them too ... others who struggle and can be touched ... and the blessings of others can intensify the sorrow and pain they internalize from their loss ... this can prey on them too. We shall see if faith can sustain them in the face of these other things," Satan said. "With your permission, of course."

The Lord gazed down from the heavens, not just upon his faithful two, but upon their world. He had a plan for what they would do, and his servant's proposal would set the stage.

"So be it," the Lord said, and the heavens turned their attention to watch the world of men once more.

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