Start from the beginning

"Uncle where is the rest of my fleet" Joffrey shouted out childishly when he saw a handful of their ships sailing out against Stannis.

Turning to his nephew he smiled grimly and spoke loudly so all near them could hear. "Watch and see your grace!" He said 'Your Grace' sarcastically, before turning towards the Bay.

"I hope it works" He thought.


299 AC




He still could't believe  that Renly, his own younger brother is dead! And by his own hand no less.

His brother who he had all but raised since their parents had died had been killed on his orders. An action he was beginning to regret more and more with each passing day. Despite the wrongs Renly had done; he couldn't help but remember the boy his brother used to be and think how their parents would have cursed and disowned Stannis for what he had done.

Pushing his regret and remorse aside for a time he looked at the Capital of the Seven Kingdoms, which rightfully belongs to him.

All his ships were in place. Before the attack his fleet had sunk at least twenty ships full of Sellswords that were bound for the city, no doubt to reinforce it. He  had killed everyone of board, no matter how much mercy they pleaded or offered him to join his army and fight for him.

But Stannis didn't gave them any mercy. Sellsords are just like whores, they will pick the sides who can give them money, and they will turn on his army the moment he started to loose.

Before executing the Sellsords he had interrogated their captains and from their he had learned that Tyrion Lannister had hired a number of Sellswords companies from the free cities of Volantis and Pentos to reinforce the defences of Kings Landing.

His commanders have been concerned about this information but it doesn't matter to him anyway. The imp could hire the Unsullied of Astapor itself and it still wouldn't matter. He outnumber them, the city will fall to him no matter the cost.

He turned to look at Ser Davos, his Hand Of The King and second in command. His most faithful subject have protested in bringing the red woman with him, but Stannis have refused his request.

It still annoyed that some still doubted him and his decisions; he made a silent vow that if any still had doubts after Kings Landing fell that they would suffer for it.

Pushing his annoyance aside like he had his remorse he found himself now stood on the deck of his ship fully armoured while his two hundred strong fleet awaited his command.

"Give the signal" he said to Devan, his squire and son of Ser Davos, who nodded and blew the war horn he had around his small neck.

His fleet moved a moment later hundreds of oars crashing into the water driving his ships forward. Stannis could see a red glow from the lead ship as it led the Lysene pirate galleys and Myrish sellsails deeper and deeper into the harbour. He had wanted to send the lords of the Narrow Sea and Stormlands in first but after he allowed for Edric Storm to be burned by Melisandre who had told him that it would be wiser to send his sellsails first.

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