"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He responds. "Let me go call the doctor." He says letting go of me. I nod slightly as he gets up.

Cooper wakes up as Bryce stands up from the bed. "I'm going to get the doctor." Bryce tells Cooper. Cooper nods just when Bryce walks out of the room.

"How are you feeling?" Cooper asks me. "I'm alright. Better than when I first woke up." I tell him. "Are you still in pain?" He asks me. "No." I shake my head.

"Cooper how come you didn't tell me Franco was your father?" I ask him. "I was hoping you never found out about him. Not like that. I just know who he is and I knew that nothing good came out of meeting him so I figured if I never said anything then you'd be safe from him." Cooper says looking down at the floor.

"Coop." I say patting the spot on the bed next to me that Bryce was in. Cooper gets up and walks over to the bed slowly sitting down. "I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened. It's not your fault." I tell him.

"I'm so sorry Little B. I hate that he did this to you." Cooper says hugging me again. "Stop apologizing. Like I said it's not your fault. I'm okay nothing major happened to me." I smile softly.

He lets go of me when Bryce walks back into the room with the doctor. "Hello Brooklyn I'm Dr.Finley. Do you mind if I check you to make sure you're alright?" He asks.

"Sure." I nod slightly. "We'll be outside if you need us." Bryce says. Both Cooper and Bryce walk out of the room so Dr.Finley can do his check up.

"Okay Brooklyn it seems that everything is fine. I just need you to take it slow for the next few days. I also want to keep you overnight just to make sure everything is okay." Dr. Finley says.

"So when can I go home?" I ask. "If nothing changes overnight I will discharge you tomorrow around 12pm." He says. "Thank you." I nod. "No problem if  you need anything let me or Nurse Collins know." He says pointing towards the nurse that walked in during the check up.

"Okay." I nod slightly. "I'll let you brother know he can come back inside." The nurse says. "Thank you." I smile at her.

I lay back down as they both walk out of the room. A few seconds later Cooper walks into the room. "Where's Bryce?" I ask. "He's talking to Josh." Cooper tells me.
~Bryce's POV~

"Josh it's bad." I tell him. Josh arrived a few minutes after Cooper and I walked out of Brooklyn's room. "I thought you said she was awake and doing well." He tells me worriedly.

"She is..." I trail off. I sigh softly turning so that I'm looking at him. "When she woke up she told us something that changes things." I say.

"She remembered everything that happened so I asked her what happened at Franco's house. I asked her why she ran out of the house. Why we heard a gun go off." I say.

"She had a panic attack before she told us. What I'm about to tell you is something that's about to complicate things even more than they already are." I add.

"Franco is going to want Brooklyn even more now. We have to figure out a way to not let him get to her." I tell him.

"Franco only wants her because of me. I'll deal with him." Josh tells me. "Not anymore, now it's different. He won't be after her because of you now." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" Josh asks me raising an eyebrow. "Brooklyn told us that one of Franco's guys was trying to take advantage of her." I see Josh's hands ball into fists as I say this.

"She managed to get away from the guy but in the middle of all of it she shot the guy." I tell him. His eyes shot over to me instantly. "Brooklyn killed one of Franco's guys." I tell him.

"Brooklyn isn't safe anymore." Josh tells me. "I know." I say softly. "We have to find a way to keep her safe. Franco can't get to her." Josh says standing up. "How are we going to do that?" I ask him standing up as well.

I watch as Josh starts pacing around. "We'll find a way. I promise you nothing will happen to Brooklyn again. I know I already promised this once and I broke it but this time I'm sure of it." He tells me.

"How exactly are you going to do that?" I ask him. "Im not blaming you for what happened but Franco already got to her once who's to say he won't get to her again?" I ask him.

"We'll come up with a plan. Something that will take Brooklyn off Franco's radar." Josh says pacing around. "We need a plan and we need one fast." He says.

I nod and start to think of a plan. A way to keep her safe. We spend the next half an hour trying to come up with a plan. Nick, Oliver, and Troy come to the hospital after Josh calls them to help us.

We let Cooper stay with Brooklyn knowing she probably doesn't want to be alone right now. Nick, Oliver, and Troy take turns going to Brooklyn's room for a few minutes.

Josh however refuses to go into her room. He makes up excuse after excuse whenever I tell him that he can go see her. Instead he says he will go see her after he comes up with a plan.

We're all sitting down in the waiting room trying to come up with a plan. "It's been half an hour and nothing." Nick sighs defeated. "We could always go with my plan." Troy says.

"We're not sending Brooklyn away. First off where are we going to send her too? Secondly Franco will just follow her wherever she goes." I shake my head.

"And it won't be smart for us to just show up and try to take him down." Josh adds when Oliver tries to speak. Oliver and Troy slump down on their chairs defeated.

"What's going on?" Cooper asks walking over to us. "Why are you out here? What about Brooklyn?" I ask him. "She fell asleep she was extremely tired and decided to take a nap." Cooper says.

"What are you guys doing?" He asks. "We're trying to come up with a plan to get Franco to back off of Brooklyn." Josh says. Cooper nods taking a seat next to Oliver.

"I got it." Josh says looking at us. We all look over at him as soon as he speak. "My plan is crazy but I think it might work." He says looking at us.

"It's a long shot but worth a try. You're not going to like it though." He says looking at me. "We're the only ones that can know about this though. Nobody not even Aiden and his guys can know the truth." He says.

"What about Zack and Sophia?" Cooper asks. "We can't lie to them but we will lie to everyone else." Josh says. "Okay what do you have in mind?" I ask him. "Brooklyn has to die." Josh says looking at me. My eyes widen as I hear his plan.

This is crazy.
Josh is crazy we can't do that to Brooklyn.
But we have to do it if we want her to be safe.

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