•t w e n t y s i x•

Start from the beginning

"Well, Jordan I don't know how many times I have to explain it to you but I'm not your wife yet, and I have life and obligations. I can't up and move. Yes, all my friends did it because they could. They don't employ people; they don't run a business that can only thrive in certain places. Utah is not one of those locations and I wouldn't want to jeopardize everything I've built so you don't throw a tantrum every five minutes. Look, Callie wasn't in the same house as you, you didn't tuck her in every single night and you two are fine, better than fine. She loves you; I can see it in her eyes when you walk into the room or when she pulls out a new toy for you to play with her. Jahi will look at you the same way regardless of whether you're always physically there."

Jordan was tired of this topic at this point, he didn't even know why he bothered to bring it up, so he shrugged and focused back on Callie.

"I'm not saying never Jordan" Yara's voice was soft as she surveyed him " Let's just deal with one thing at a time, Jahi and then the wedding and then we can focus on that."

"Alright Ya." His voice held defeat. For a second he thought about how easy other women had been. It was just like him to settle for a challenge and maybe that was why it was so easy to cheat on Yara. She made things so difficult, complicated and other women didn't. It was sort of emasculating, to get his ego back the ease of another woman's legs was all he needed. Anyone else would drop everything, everyone else but her.

Looking up, he caught a glimpse of Callie nestling herself in Yara's lap. Yara kissed the little girl on the forehead and began to rock her sensing that she was sleepy. It stirred something in Jordan. From day one, Yara had never mistreated his daughters or made them feel othered. She embraced them like they were her own and it came so easy to her.

When Yara looked at Callie, she didn't see Ashlee. In the same way, when she looked at Jayden she didn't see Mylin. She just saw innocence and beauty in their purest forms. Jordan's daughters were lovely, and every time she saw their big smiles and hugs she endeavored to make sure they never felt how she did, like an outside child. They were not only Jordan's children but Elijah's sisters after all.

"She really likes you." Jordan observed and a soft smile came to Yara's features.

"Yeah , I'm sure it's the pregnancy pheromones or something. She's pretty friendly though, always has been. How's Jayden?"

"Mylin is still bugging but Jayden's good. She asked about you last time I was there, she wanted to know if you'd had Jah yet. She can't say Elijah so that's her nickname for him."

He tried to smile but Yara could see in his face that Mylin was hurting him in the worst way possible. Jordan was a lot of things but he wasn't an absent father. He worked to be in his daughters' lives as much as possible so for Mylin to attempt to shut him out of Jayden's because he didn't choose her was not only petty, it was evil.

They'd both suffered a loss but this reaction was more extreme than either one of them could anticipate. Looking down, Yara took in Callie's sleeping face, she looked so adorable. No wonder Jordan was so stuck on living together, he didn't want to miss these moments. She understood but for some reason she was apprehensive. Something wasn't right, she could feel it, she just didn't know what it was. Was it him or was it her own feelings? Had Quincy managed to form an emotional wedge in their relationship while her guard was done? Was Jordan hiding something?

It was probably her commitment issues rearing up, but she had no use for them. She was getting married to Jordan Clarkson in a few months and if they stayed solid nothing would change that.

As Jordan watched Yara carefully get up with Callie in her arms, he realized that she may have been the best thing to happen to him after his children. Instantly, he felt remorseful for all the things he'd done. All the things she could never know. When she returned from laying Callie down securely on the couch, he ushered her over. Wrapping his arms around her as she sat in his lap, Jordan kissed her hair gently before he rubbed her stomach.

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