~Vibing~ J.H

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Today I was going to go to my boyfriends house to see him and just relax. I was excited sense we've both had a pretty full and busy week.

I pulled my car into his drive way and knocked on his door, which sadly he did not answer but guess who did... Terry.

"Hey bitch!?" I said with a excited tone in my voice. He just looked at me very confused.

"Hey bitch?!" He said right back at me, and let me in his house. He told me Jesse was upstairs in his room so I sprinted up the stairs up to him.

I opened the door and saw him doing his homework. I sat down besides his bed and looked at him.

"Hey somebody's actually doing their homework I see" I said with a slightly sarcastic voice. He just glared at me looking back at his homework.

"Not a hello first or a kiss, not even a hug?" He said. I got up and kissed him on his forehead. Then he gave me a long passionate kiss, which gave me hella butterflies.

"I'm basically done with my homework so what do you want to do?" He said, with a smirk on his face. I just gave him a look he already knew what it means.

"DANCE PARTY!!" We said at the same time, that made both of us break into a fit of laughter. After all that we went down stairs and decided to make terry join us, as well as making him get us snacks.

We turned the tv on and went to YouTube and put on "Shake It Off" by Taylor swift. We just listened to that and sang our hearts out.

"AND THE PLAYERS GONNA PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!" I sang, which means it's know Jesse's turn to sing his part, As you can tell we had this planned out.

"AND THE HATERS GONNA HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE!!" He sang, know Terry's turn for his part.

"AND IM JUST GONNA SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE!!" He said, We know are ready for our favorite part.

"I SHAKE IT OFF, I SHAKE IT OFF!!" The three of us all say, which made us break into another fit of laughter.

The rest of the night we slept down stairs in the living room watching movies. I fell asleep cuddling with Jesse on the floor and terry who crashed on the couch. I fell asleep thinking about how much I love my boyfriend and his family.

I literally love this. This was very fun to write so if you want more imagines like these let me know!!

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