~Sick day~C.C

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I woke up today and I was so nauseous. My eyes popped open and my hands clapped over my mouth. I ran to the bathroom and threw up so many times I lost count.

I didn't go to school or practice. Everyone was blowing up my phone worried. I was to tired to just turn over and answer my phone because I knew if I moved I would have to throw up again.

Charlie's POV
I started to get worried about y/n because she never just misses school or practice. When school and practice ended I Immediately ran to y/n dorm.

I busted the door open and saw her sleeping on her bed with the trash can sitting next to her bed. Which told me she was sick.

I then just decided to walk out just to leave her be. "Come back." I heard her say softly. I then walked over to her bed and moved her over slowly so I could lay down beside her.

"Do you need anything?" I said. She just looked at me with a small smile on her face which means she wants cuddles. I just chuckled lightly and put her head on my chest.

"I love you y/n." I said thinking she was already asleep. "I love you to spazway". She said in a groggy voice. We then just cuddled and watched movies for the rest of the day.

Here y'all go. Can you all plz give me ideas for any of my preferences or imagines. I really am losing ideas and I want to know what you guys want so plz do that. Love you all 💗💜💜

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