Long live the king

Start from the beginning

Shawn: Sorry.

Sarge: You weren't kidnapped! You deliberately joined the enemy!

Tucker: But if he wasn't kidnapped, that would mean we were never the enemy in the first place!

Sarge: Don't try to confuse me with your words, shamrock!

Tucker: I'm aqua!

Washington: Tucker, calm down.

Tucker: Me? These guys roll up in a freaking assault jeep and you choose to yell at me?

Washington: Look, tensions are high-

Tucker: No shit, Washington. I'm tired of you bossing us around!

Washington: Now is not the time.

Tucker: You know, I disagree. We were having a talk when Tweedledee and Tweedle-freaking-idiot decided to interrupt, so let's finish this.

Washington: There is nothing to finish!

Grif: Are we intruding on some sort of lovers' quarrel right now?

Thea: Anakin did something to make obi wan mad and now their fighting about it.

Shawn: Yeah. It's going to get worse.

Thea: You just jinxed us.

Tucker: You are the worst thing to happen to this team since blue-boy and the pyromanic over there decided to show up.

Caboose: I am a man! Blue man!

Shawn: And I am an explosive manic!

Simmons looks at Tucker with a glare.

Simmons: You take that back. Wash is a great leader. I assume.

Sarge: Blasphemy!

Thea: He's not talking about god you idiot!

Freckles: Deadly force authorized.

Tucker: Seriously, I would rather follow Caboose into battle than you.

Washington: Oh, really? Then let's just make him the leader, see how much better off you are!

Shawn: Oh dear.

Thea: This is bad.

Caboose: Well, I humbly accept your nomination and accept the position.

Washington and Tucker: Shut up!

Freckles: Do not talk back to your commanding officer.

Tucker: Wash and I are having an argument. I will be talking back to him. That's how arguments work, you freaking toaster.

Camera shifts to Freckles' POV through his HUD's screen. The word "DEMOTED" appears over Washington as Freckles looks at him

Freckles: Washington is not the commanding officer.

Tucker: What?

Washington: What?

Shawn: What?!

Thea: Oh no.

Freckles: In a unanimous decision by the Blue Team, Caboose has been promoted to Blue leader. Captain Caboose is now your commanding officer. Do not talk back to your commanding officer.

Grif: Oh, shit.

Thea: Karabast.

Caboose: Well, yep. This is gonna be a lot of fun.

Washington walks up to Caboose panicked.

Washington: No, Caboose, you can't-

Freckles turns toward Washington as he looks at him.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now