New Life (The End)

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jayden and relina was walking on the shore ,relina was silent ,she doesn't know what jayden want ,she just followed him as he requested her, they was walking and he looked a bit nervous and that wasn't in his personality he usually talks when he want something he just ask for it directly ,relina looked at the ocean then looked at him and her fingers hands was tangled ,jayden cleared his throat then said "how you feeling now?" ,relina smiled then said "i am better" she bited her inner lower lip repeatedly ,he put his hands behind his back then looked in front of him and said "relina, i know that you are rebekah" relina's eyes opened wide then looked him "really, how did....?" jayden nodded his head then said "i read your note in one of the books, sorry i didn't mean that but i found it by coincidence", relina swallowed her saliva and licked her lips and her eyes was on the ocean ,she felt nervous and guilt at the same time for not telling any of them about that ,since they all were a family, she didn't meant to hide it from them ,she cleared her throat then said with low tone "i am sorry jayden, i.. i didn't mean to hide it from any of you" she took a deep breath and her eyes was full with tears "i just.. was hiding it from my brother and my mother, it was the only way to earn money when i was younger" ,jayden stopped walking then he took couple of steps and stood in front of her ,she held her breath when she found him in front of her suddenly ,he tilted his head and said lightly "well, i just said to let you know that i know, otherwise it's all up to you, beside i didn't bring you here to talk about this" ,relina put a lock of her head behind her right ear then said "i just was trying to explain" he smiled then said "and i know why you did it ,and no one will blame you for it, and now let's talk about the important things" ,relina furrowed her eyebrows and said "important things?" ,jayden let a breath out then said "yep" he looked at relina directly this time into her eyes ,she swallowed her saliva ,then took a step back and pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrows with a shy smile, he smiled and he was looking at her weirdly like she said to herself , he hesitated raised his right hand ,and his eyes was on hers ,then he finally said "relina, i love you and it's huge word and huge feelings and it's not easy to describe how this feelings is ,or when i felt it or if i am ready to tell it to you ,but all i know that i love you and when i felt that i will lose you i decided to tell ,to not regret hiding it, and i should have done that from so long time ago ,but maybe i was scared ,or worried i really don't know ,maybe because you was near me all the time ,i tried to convince myself that i will never lose you but all that weird things had happened around us and , i felt like an idiot because what if you tried to suicide again or dean tells you that he loves you or brittany tried to hurts you ,what will happen to me if all this happens" ,relina swallowed hard and she felt like she is dreaming or something since it was so hard for jayden to explain his feelings he usually not doing anything ,he usually acting ,she was telling herself "am i dreaming.. is he saying this words to make me feel comfortable.. omg.. jayden said ''I love you" her eyes were

wide open and she was looking at his face unconsciously then she felt his palm on her left cheek ,she held her breath and then let it out shakingly ,jayden narrowed his eyes and said "Relina, are you okay? ,is it not the right time" he swallowed hard and his expression was mixed with worries and fear "are you not ready to hear it?, is the time not right?, are you.... not feel the same way?", he held his breath and his face was blushing for the first time relina could see all this in jayden at the same time she was thrilled to see it in him , she smiled shyly then said "hey, i am fine.. i just.. didn't expect you to say it.. you barely show any of it and of course i feel the same way jayden, you were by my side whenever i needs you , you protected me so many times , you never complaining about me being sad or babbling or shouting, and i was worried that...." she cleared her throat then continued "that you might be.. in love with.. any other girl.. or maybe merissa was.." jayden smiled and he didn't let her finish the sentence ,he leaned forward and his right palm on her cheek then she suddenly felt his lips pressed on hers ,she as usual felt surprised by his quick move and she felt that her heart will go out of her chest she can hear her own heart beats it was like drums ,maybe from exciting or the feeling of triumph that finally he confessed to her what he really feel , she with a trembling hand rest her right palm on his chest and it seems like he felt it trembling he put his left hand on hers to assure her that it's all real, and there was an old man riding a horse he saw them kissing he smiled ,and relina broke off from jayden then looked toward the ocean ,and jayden giggled at her then looked at the man on the horse and said "can we take a ride ,relina looked quickly and jayden then raised her eyebrows then said "you kidding" ,jayden shook his shoulders then smiled and said "no, come on" , the man didn't mind at all ,jayden got on the horse's back then looked at relina and offered his to her and tilted his head and said "come on lee" ,she furrowed her eyebrows and said "i never ride one before ,they are so high and it scares me" ,but jayden insisted she finally held his hand and got in front of him and said "well , ride slow ,don't be reckless okay" jayden chuckled then said "you are scared from riding a horse while you have a wind power and can fight anyone without any problems and scared from a lovely horse you must be kidding me lee" the horse start walking slowly ,relina found jayden's arms around her because he held the horse bridle ,she let out exhale then she heard him saying "so you thought that merissa was my lover" relina swallowed then full her mouth with air then let it out and put her tongue between her teeth ,she cleared her throat then said "let's not talking about that, please" ,he smiled then said near hear left ear from behind "i wanna let you know that she was only my friend , i didn't fall in love with her" relina nodded her head and said "it's okay" ,jayden gesture with his head and raised his eyebrows and said "no it wasn't okay for you , whenever i mention her name you seemed like you will vomit on me" relina furrowed her eyebrows and said "hey, that's not nice , beside it's not my business" she crossed her arms over her chest and sighed ,jayden smiled then said "not true , it was your business since you fall in love with me lee" relina coughed then looked behind her at him and said "jayden stop it" he looked at her and found her cheeks so pink ,he smiled and raised his eyebrows "it is true" then he leaned forward and kissed her cheek , she blushed even more and looked in front of her quickly then said to herself "he behave so brave today" she swallowed and the horse walked a bit faster ,relina held jayden's wrists and said "what you doing?" he giggled and said with muffled voice because of the air "why are you so scared , i am with you" relina smiled then said with low voice "That's true" then he ride the horse faster and she screamed and he laughed at her

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