The Other Girl

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In the same time, the others at house and they was sitting together then mia said "I am wondering why relina is late like that" antonio looked at her then said "don't worry she will be okay" mike smiled then said "guys why we not go outside today we going to have fun and set in any place to relax ourselves" antonio smile and said "yes great" Emily smiled widely then said "yes I am agree" jayden said "and the training?" he raised his eyebrow and look at them, jr smiled calmly and said "it's okay you training everyday you can take rest today you need it" jayden said "alright no problem" ,then relina went in the house and she was so silent then Kevin said "are you will come with us relina?" relina looked at him then said "no I don't want to go anywhere" jr looked at her with wondering "why is that?" relina said "I don't know" Kevin put his hand on her shoulder then said "did something happened with you?" relina said "no.. I will go to make some popcorn, I didn't eat anything from a while" then she smiled and went to the kitchen ,Emily looked at them and said "is she okay or she just pretend that?" mike said "I think she pretend that" and relina was doing the popcorn and talking with herself and say "I have to get off from my brother he bother me all the time he pretend that he is strong and always his voice loud I can't look at his face" then she took the popcorn and back to the others and sitting with them and they was watching tv and jayden was thinking too and remembering what happened with Melissa and when the car hit her and antonio was with him and jayden couldn't helping her and mike was saying to relina "give me some of it" and he took the dish from her and relina said "no.. give it back" and she took it from him again and mia was saying "jayden, come and watch the movie with us" and jayden didn't hear her because he wasn't attention with them and he was sit a bit way from them ,then relina got up and sit beside him and said "jayden what's wrong?" jayden looked at her then said "nothing" she smiled a bit and said "do you want popcorn?" and she put the dish in front of him but he said "no thanks" relina felt anger and then she said "alright" she got up and went to the kitchen again and she was talking with low voice and saying "he thinking about her I am sure from that" and she put the popcorn in her mouth and said with anger and grins "he don't care at all how he is tough" and she kept standing there alone ,and Kevin outside was saying "what she doing in the kitchen" Emily said "maybe she make another dish of popcorn" ,jayden got up then said "it's okay I will go to see her" and she was gave him her back when he arrived to the kitchen and she wasn't focus because she was thinking ,and he sighs then said "hey girl why you standing like that?" and she got panic and the dish fall from her hand on the floor and it got broken and it was glass ,she looked at him and took deep breath "you made me panic" jayden scowl and said "you was thinking about something" relina sighs then said "I am free" then she bend to collect the broken glass and he said "be careful to not cut your hand" ,she said "don't worry" and she started to collect it but piece of glass cut the balm of her hand like he expected ,she screamed her hand bleeds ,jayden got angry and said "I told you to be careful come here" he hold her hand and wash it to stop bleeding ,and he called mike and said loud "bring for me something to wraps her hand" mike said "alright I am coming" and he bring piece of cloth and went to them in the kitchen and he looked at them and said "what happened?" and he gave jayden the piece of cloth and jayden said "she cut her hand" then mia came in and looked at the broken glass then said "omg are you okay?" relina said "yes".. mia said "you should be careful" relina looked at her and said "I didn't mean ,mia started to clean the floor and jayden was clean relina's hand and he press her hand and she from the pain holding his arm and she press it and said "you hurting me jayden" she closed her eyes and jayden grins and looked at her then said "calm down" and then he wrapped her hand then relina looked at him and said "thank you" he sighs then said "no need, and in the next time be careful relina" mia smiled then said "she didn't mean jayden ,let's go and set with the others" and they went out and sit with the others in the living room, and antonio smiled and said "always hurting yourself" relina scowl and said "he came in without I feel and i got panic and the dish fall down ,it's his fault" jayden grins and said "seriously my fault mi told you to not touch the broken glass and you didn't listen" ,Emily said "calm down both of you everything is okay" jr looked at relina and said "lee be careful in the next time" relina said "alright sensai" ,jayden looked at her then sighs and she looked at him and said "what you looking at?" jayden said "nothing".. then mike said suddenly "are we will go?" mia looked at the others and said "yes..and we didn't say where will go too".. Emily reply and said "what do you think about going to the city of games and eat ice cream?" mike jump and said "yes I agree..what is your opinion guys?" jayden said "I have no problem with it".. relina said "fine".. Kevin smiled and said "me too"..mia said "great let's go".

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