The Right Way

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Jayden after a couple of minutes he looked at relina then said "don't you feel.. pain?" ,she sighed then looked back at him "well ,leave my pain out of your mind jayden ,don't compare it with your pain" she scowl and made a funny face, jayden held his laughs then they heard mia saying "i will make some food" relina looked at mia then said "I don't want anything mia thank you" , mia nodded her head then left the room while antonio saying "what you will do with the papers lee?", kevin looked toward antonio then said "she will give it to the police and publish it" jayden sat down straight then said "but lee..." and before he says anything relina held her hands up in front of her and said "i will do what i have to do ,they did bad things and they need to be punished for it , i wouldn't forgive them for what they have done" mike sighed then said "well,good luck, it's really hard work to do" JR looked at them and said "it's the right thing to do and they deserve it , this is their ends"

jayden closed his eyes then put his hand on his ribs and took a deep breath and let it out and looked toward antonio ,antonio stood up and walked to him and said "What do you want?" ,jayden swallowed his saliva and said "the painkiller" ,relina bitted her lower lip from the inside nervously and looked the other side and her eyes was gleaming with tears ,antonio helped jayden to sat down and gave him the pills , then mia entered the room while she saying "the dinner is ready" ,jayden looked at relina then said "are you really ..don't want to eat?" she looked toward the balcony "yes" ,then she stood up and went to the balcony and looked toward the flowers in the garden then took a deep breath ,jayden was looked toward her then he sighed, relina was telling herself "he hiding his pain,he think that i wouldn't feel it, it's easy for me jayden to know when you feel pain"

after they finished their dinner they went for sleep but relina was in the garden sitting on the grass ,it was a clear night no clouds and the wind was barely there ,the moon was in the sky lighting up the place ,relina was sitting her back straight and her wrists was on her knees , she took a deep breath then closed her eyes ,she was trying meditating but whenever she trying to relax she remember what happened and what her mother did ,and whenever she lose her calm ,the wind around her getting wild ,it was her power ,everyone was sleeping and the only one who felt that there is something wrong with the wind was JR , he got out of his room and walked outside the house and found relina sitting there alone in the dark ,he walked toward her then sat down next to her and said "try to relax , don't let your anger control you ,you need to control yourself to be able to control your power ,and when relina opened her eyes , JR found her eyes white full of it was white ,JR took a deep breath and said with a calm tone "relina calm it down ,you must calm it down" relina closed her eyes and let out a breath then opened her eyes again , and it back to normal, JR sighed then said "you need to forget what happened ,you need to forget your anger relina ,jayden is fine and your friends was there for you ,don't blame yourself" relina let out exhale and her tears fall down on her cheeks then said "i am tired , so much tired ,i didn't know that my own family will bring this suffer to me ,they put my friends in danger and i barely helped them , i tried my best to not let my family hurts my friends" , JR smiled and looked at her "you did your best and your friends loves you and they know that you different than your family , if they thought of you as a bad girl they wasn't going to be here by your side ,don't doubt yourself my child, you did a great job by standing in front of your family and show them that they not good ,and you showed them with many ways that you are much better than they thinking" , "i just worried from losing my friends , i know they are always worried about me, i just.. feel so much stress" ,Jr put his right hand on her left shoulder and said "and they know that you care for them and that you love them, you need to go to sleep now ,you must have some rest, go ahead" relina wiped her tears then shook her head and said "i will sensai, goodnight" she stood up and gave her sensai a salute then she left, JR smiled with sympathy and said "poor little girl"

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