"You and me both, kid." Jiraiya adds on with an eyebrow twitch.

Guy finally starts his walk back into the Hidden Leaf, giving Naruto another goodbye wave.

Naruto holds out the green clothing towards his two travel partners, "Pretty cool, huh?" he asks almost proudly.

"Don't even think about it, Naruto." the Uchiha says with a near disappointed sigh.

Jiraiya let's out a laugh, "No chance! I mean look at the guy! Man, now that is goofy!" he says while gazing at the retreating Jonin.

Almost on queue as Jiraiya finished talking, Guy turns around and gives them his signature grin.

The Sage slightly shivers, "Anyways, I think it's time to start our journey. Are you two ready?"

Both genin nod.

"Alright! Now let's get going!" he shouts, the three finally on their way to search for the 5th hokage.


After a few miles of walking down a dirt road, Naruto began sinking deep in thought, soon after he stopped dead in his tracks.

Both Jiraiya and Miyo also halt their actions when they notice Naruto stop moving.

Naruto looks up at his mentor, "So, Pervy Sage. What exactly do those guys want from me anyways?" he asks, making his fellow genin tilt her head in confusion.

Jiraiya only grunts, making Naruto sightly frustrated.

The blonde genin gives him a frown, "Cmon, out with it, Pervy Sage! You know, don't you?"

Jiraiya sits in silence for a second, before finally speaking, "Don't get the wrong idea. They're not after you, they're after what's inside of you."

Miyo furrows her eyebrows, 'The nine tails? What would they possible want with that?'

His answer makes Naruto grip his stomach, "Just what the hell is this thing, anyways? Some horrible demon that's terrorized the Leaf Village. That's why everyone's so afraid of it, right? So why do these guys want it so bad..."

"The Nine-Tailed fox has appeared in times of consequence, all throughout the ages. A ghastly spirit, destroying all that lays in its path. As powerful as any act of nature, men trembled before it." Jiraiya explained.

He pauses for a moment, "As for what they would want with that malicious monstrosity? Well that's a hard question to answer Naruto, honestly I can't say. I suppose with the nine-tails sealed inside you, they might be thinking of somehow seizing control of that power, and bending it to their will."

"It's a bitter pill to swallow knowing those two will be after you now. But that is your fate. And not to worry though, you'll have us around to protect you!" Jiraiya says with a grin, making Miyo give a slight smile as well.

Naruto gives a determined grin, "I'll just have to hurry up and get stronger, no other choice!"

"That's the spirit, Naruto!" Miyo says with a thumbs up.

He gives another grin, "Alright! Now let's go find this Tsunade woman you're talking about, so she can fix up Sasuke, and we can start some serious training!"

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