A house divided, then multiplied

Start from the beginning

Grif: Stop.

Thea: He was an A.I. Your paranoid. You know what? I'm gonna go get Simmons before this goes to far.

Thea leaves as Sarge looks at Grif.

Sarge: See what I mean!? Agent Washington managed to brainwash my best soldier!

Grif: How?

Sarge: He's made her think about him!

Grif: That's just Thea and I think your a little confused on what a crush is.

Sarge: It's almost like all of this is some sort of sick game!

Grif: ...This conversation is starting to get a little meta.

Sarge: You're right. You think he was in on it too?

Grif: I think you're jumping to conclusions.

Sarge: And I conclude you need to shut your mouth and move your feet!

Grif: What are you gonna do?

Sarge: We, are going to do the Reds' signature Blood Gulch maneuver.

Grif: Huhhh, oh no.

Lopez 2.0 looks at Grif with relief.

Lopez 2.0: Me hace feliz saber que te ignoran tanto como a mí por aquí.[It makes me happy knowing you're ignored just as much as I am around here.]

Cut to Caboose, Tucker, Shawn and Freckles outside

Caboose: Okay Freckles, roll over!

Freckles rotates 360 degrees at the waist

Freckles: Objective complete.

Tucker: That's cheating.

Shawn: Yeah.

Simmons appears at the ledge and looks at them.

Simmons: Hey Tucker! Shawn!

Tucker: What!

Shawn: What do you want!?

Simmons: Do you have any idea when Wash is getting back? I have some suggestions regarding the upkeep of Blue Base.

Tucker: I don't know and I don't care!

Simmons: Well I got two words for you buddy: chore wheel.

Tucker: And I've got two words for you. How 'bout screw off?

Shawn: Your making our life worse!

Simmons slowly gets back into the base while looking at them with a grin.

Simmons: Just think about it. Wheel of chores.

Tucker: I hate my life.

Shawn: Me too.

Washington appears behind them.

Washington: Tucker!

Tucker: You know what, I take it back, I hate everyone else's lives. Wish they didn't have 'em. Oh my God, am I turning into Church?

Shawn: I think you and Thea are losing it because your acting just like him and I can hear the voice too with her. (Shivers)

Washington walks up to them annoyed.

Washington: Why aren't you running drills?

Tucker: How do you know I didn't already finish them?

Washington: Because you're not on the ground complaining about irritated nipples.

Tucker: I'm telling you, my chest piece rubs right up against them. And not in a good way.

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now