5. The one with Andromeda's secret

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Cassiopeia sat in the Lestrange dining room, where a huge table was filled with guests. She looked to her right where her youngest sister Narcissa sat with Lucius Malfoy. Andromeda was across from her and was tapping her fingers against her legs anxiously. Two years ago she would've loved to be in this room. But things have gotten more serious with her boyfriend and she wanted to tell her sisters, but she couldn't. Thus being, she spent the entire meeting asking stupid questions about the task she was assigned to do.

Bellatrix's brown eyes were glued, not on her husband, but Tom Riddle. Bellatrix had become obsessed with the wizard, not that Rodolphus minded, he was too busy chatting up the Murray girl to notice. The only reason the two had decided to marry was because they had an amazing partnership while doing tasks for the dark lord.

Cassiopeia ran a hand down the small bump on her stomach. She had completely zoned out on what the dark lord was saying. Though her mind was on other things. Recently, she believed that the only things muggles were useful for was making food. She particularly wanted a pickle covered in peanut butter.

    “My lord, might I ask to use the restroom?” Andromeda spoke up during a silence.

Cassiopeia looked over at her sister.

    “Go, ms. Black.” Andromeda quickly stood from her chair before leaving the room.

Andromeda was panting in the bathroom mirror whenever Cassiopeia walked in to the room.

    “Talk less.” Andromeda turned around and looked towards her sister with a confused expression,“Smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.”

    “Never thought you of all people would be giving out father's advice.” Andromeda said quietly.

Cassiopeia sent her sister a smile before resting her hands on her shoulders. Cassiopeia looked in the mirror,“We're blacks Meda. No matter our opinions they'll get out to the public. So sometimes it's best not to have them, and do whatever is best for our purity and family. Let's not say anything that will make us lose you.”

Andromeda tensed slightly, feeling as though her oldest sister might know her deepest Secret. Ted Tonks. Though that of course wasn't the only secret she was protecting. She sent her sister a forced smile as she walked out of the room.

Cassiopeia traced a finger on her left forearm as she sat down at the table.

The dark lord has since long left the Lestrange Manor claiming to have something to do. The only people left being the four Black sister's, Lucius Malfoy and Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange. The elf, Cassiopeia hadn't bothered learning it's name, had set down a tray of tea for the girls. Andromeda muttered out a silent thank you as she grabbed ahold of the cup. Bellatrix curled her lip slightly in disgust at her sister.

Cassiopeia glanced up and seen that Lucius was looking at her, she turned her eyes to her sister who noticed her boyfriend staring at her sister and shuffled uncomfortably. Cassiopeia had felt a weird sensation in her stomach and made a weird face.

Lucius who had noticed was the first to speak up,“What?” he asked her.

    “The little asshole in my stomach kicked me.” she said with slight disgust laced in her voice.

    “I should probably get going. Dad wants me out of the house soon so I have to find someplace to live.” Andromeda said suddenly as she stood up.

Andromeda said her goodbyes to her sisters before apparating away. Truthfully she wanted away from Cassiopeia as soon as possible, after the awkward conversation in the bathroom.

Andromeda found herself infront of a smaller house. She walked towards the door and stuffed her wand away before knocking softly. She couldn't help but smile when Mrs. Tonks opened the door. She hardly ever seen her since Ted moved out of the family house and due to the death eater meetings, Andromeda was rarely around when she visited.

    “Oh! Andromeda! How are you? Come in. Come in.” Mrs. Tonks smiled. “Ted! Andromeda's here!”

After a few seconds Ted Tonks came shuffling down the stairs, smiling at his girlfriend. “Hello.” she said shyly.

    “Well you two have fun. I have divorce papers to go file... Again.” Mrs. Tonks says before walking out of the house.

Andromeda furrowed a brow as she stepped inside the house. Ted looked at Andromeda,“So a movie?”

    “On the calculator?” Andromeda asked, although she meant television.

Ted chuckled,“No, Dromeda. That's the thing that helps with maths. You watch movies on the Television.”

     “Tell a vision what?” she asked him with a confused expression. “Ted honestly your being confusing. And I came to talk about something serious. You see I'm pregnant.” Ted's mouth dropped.

    “Pregnant? How did you say that so casually?” Ted asked in a panicked voice.

Andromeda shrugged her shoulders as she walked to the couch,“Found out last week, and hadn't had the time to stop by, so I guess I just came to terms with it.”

Ted however was stuck by the door in shock. He looked over at Andromeda,“Marry me.” he said.

Andromeda let out a laugh thinking he was messing with her,“You're insane.” she looked up and seen his straight face. “Oh my Salazar. You really are insane. This is insane.”

    “Is it? I love you and you love me. So how exactly is that such an insane idea?” Ted asked while grabbing her hands, Andromeda however pulled away, quickly and shook her head.

    “I'll get disowned by my family. I'll never see my sister's again. I'll never see Sirius or Regulus again. Or my mom. It's insane because I'll lose my sisters.” Andromeda said,“We can't keep this child, Ted. I'll lose everything I've ever cared about.”

    “What?” Ted asked quietly while placing a hand on his chest,“You're not like them Dromeda. You're good. When will you see that?”

Andromeda shook her head. “We talked. It was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set it. And that's all it was. A fantasy, Ted.”

Ted refused to believe her,“You don't mean that. This is not a fantasy, Andromeda Black I love you. And I don't care if your family hates me or any of that. I want to start a different one. And I know that you want it too.”

Andromeda couldn't look him in the eyes,“ I can't. They won't understand. You don't understand, I'll lose everyone that's important to me and I'll resent you and this child. I don't want that. I want things to be always be good between us. To always be that fantasy.”

Andromeda couldn't help the tears that were streaming down her face, she wanted Ted, more than he knew, but when push comes to shove she knew that she couldn't have him. Not when she was the one at risk of losing her family. She closed her eyes as she wiped away the wetness of her eyes. Hoping that he hadn't seen. But he had. He just chose not to say anything.

    “Andromeda, please don't do this.” Ted attempted once more. Andromeda shook her head. Ted grabbed ahold of her hands.

    “Okay.” she finally nodded.

    “I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you because I'm not trying to. I just really want this to work.” Andromeda smiled at Ted.

Andromeda pulled his hands up to her lips before kissing them. “Trust me, you're not.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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