4. The one with the Crappy Wedding and The Potters

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Cassiopeia stared at her black and white dress through the mirror. In less than 3 hours she would be married. She looked over at her vanity mirror that held her black family crest pin. A knock sounded onto the door of the room. Cassiopeia moved and opened it, behind it was a young boy with a young girl.

    “Sirius!” Cassiopeia smiled brightly at her younger cousin, she looked over to the dark brunette who stood beside him,“You must be Julianna Potter. Sirius told me all about you.” Cassiopeia smiled politely.

The eleven year old girl tucked her elegantly curled hair behind both of her ears with a slight pink tinge on her cheeks,“Yeah.” she said in a nervous voice.

    “Well, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” she said.

    “I should probably take Annie back to her family. Bye Cassie.” Sirius said rushedly.

    “Of course. Bye Sirius. Bye Julianna.” She said as Sirius pulled Julianna away by her wrist. She watched the two for a few seconds before shutting the door.

She just wanted the day over with. She wanted to be married to Thomas. But she was not excited for the wedding. Her fingers traced over the black elegant detailing on her dress.

Cassiopeia Black walked down the aisle as a Black one last time. Thomas smiled at her, she met his eyes and couldn't help but smile too. She glanced over and seen Narcissa smiling at her with tears streaming down her face, sitting next to Andromeda and Bellatrix. Druella let out a silent sob at the sight of her daughter. Cygnus however scowled at his wife and daughters' reactions.

After their wedding Cassiopeia and Thomas Primrose held their reception at the Black Manor. Many of the families, including the Potter's, Lestrange's, Rosier's, and Malfoy's attended.

Lucius Malfoy approached the bride who was momentarily left alone,“Are you satisfied?” Lucius asked her.

    “Yeah. I am. You would be too with Narcissa. You'd be more than satisfied.” Cassiopeia smiled before placing a hand on his shoulder,“Goodbye, Mr. Malfoy. Enjoy your last year at Hogwarts.”

Cassiopeia walked off and found her self in the arms of her newly wedded husband. Cassiopeia sent him a soft smile before there was an explosion. And many more after that. Soon half the attendees, including the bride and groom were covered in dung from dung bombs. Cassiopeia let out a disgusted shriek.

Cassiopeia turned around at the sound of a crash and seen that the girl Sirius had brought to her earlier was tackling a boy, presumably her own brother across the Rosier table. She glance back at Sirius who's eyes were trained on the girl in complete awe. She scoffed at her cousin before she and her groom trudged forward towards the pair. Cassiopeia had pulled Julianna away from her brother. Julianna had quickly turned to the bride before blushing in embarrassment,“I am so sorry, miss. My brother, James has the emotional capacity that of a peanut.”

    “Get Out!” Cassiopeia screeched angrily while facing James.

Though it was infact not alright. Though Cassiopeia was not enjoying the wedding as much as everyone else. She hated being embarrassed by those she deemed less than. And children definitely are less than. She wanted none other than to smack the magic out of the boy but instead she let go of the two of them let out a frustrated breath and stormed away.

Cassiopeia was in her bedroom at the Black manor. After taking a shower, she and Thomas decided to stay for the night as the rest of the guests left. All three of her sisters, and bridesmaids, walked into the room and gave her sympathetic smiles.

    “Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm glad that the dreadful ceremony is finally over.” Cassiopeia said looking at her stained brown dress. “That reminds me. My good friend Rodolphus Lestrange invited us out with a private audience of the dark lord.”

    “Really?” Andromeda said slightly shocked,“Oh that's exciting.” Andromeda said.

    “I don't know. Don't you think that we shouldn't. I mean me and Meda are still at Hogwarts. What if Dumbledore finds out?” Narcissa asked cautiously as Bellatrix scoffed and pushed aside slightly so she could make her way to the front.

    “When?” she demanded to know.

    “Tuesday.” Cassiopeia smiled slightly pleased with herself. Though her smile changed from a smirk to a bright one as her husband walked in,“Hello dear.” she smiled.

    “Hey love, what exactly are you girls talking about?” He said smiling at the sisters.

    “Oh. Boys. Narcissa has a crush on Lucius Malfoy.“ Cassiopeia said, Andromeda looked away slightly at the topic of boys. She particularly didn't want to talk about boys she's involved with. She could not tell her sisters of Ted Tonks, the muggle born Hufflepuff she had fallen for. She always had to shake Narcissa off before going to meet with him. Her sisters wouldn't approve. Andromeda would be thrown from the family. Blasted off of the family tree. Disowned and alone. So in order not to lose her sisters, she kept her silence.

Over the next two years, there was another wedding, Bellatrix's whenever she had agreed to marry Rodolphus which initially surprised Cassiopeia but the two were quite the team. To Narcissa's enjoyment, she and Lucius had began dating, and Andromeda was happy that she had managed to keep her relationship with Ted a secret for those two years. Cassiopeia and Thomas Primrose got the Primrose manor whenever his parents passed away due to their illness. Or so Thomas Presumed.

Cygnus Black had fallen ill aswell. Though he was still up and moving. And soon enough he beat the sickness.

Druella was more than pleased whenever she had been told her oldest daughter was expecting a child. Though Cassiopeia could think about Better things. Like the weekly meetings she and her sister were having with The Dark Lord and the other death eaters. Bellatrix and Cassiopeia both proudly took the dark mark while Narcissa and Andromeda did not. The two girls were still living at home with their parents. And quite frankly would prefer their bodies to be dark markless. Though Cassiopeia had her ways from keeping Thomas from finding out about the mark.


This Chapter suck. Anyways the next Chapter, Sirius will be in his third year. Andromeda will not yet be disowned. She will be in atleast ten or so more chapters, not including the flash back of the two years I'm skipping. I just really want to get this story going. Anyways I'm working on another book. We've officially met Julianna Potter. The main character in the second book I'm writing for the Wizarding world. She obviously falls in love with Sirius. And it's called Tricks.

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