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Family Honor comes first.

Cassiopeia Black is the oldest of four girls. She's a girl in the world in which her only job is to marry rich. Her father has no sons so she's the one who has to social climb for she's the oldest and wittiest. And not to mention that the gossip in the wizarding world is so... Insidious.

It doesn't matter whether you love them or not as long as they're rich and pureblood.

Bellatrix Black is the next born. She's the most loyal out of the Black sisters. Her loyalty runs deeper than the very blood in her veins. She'd do almost anything for you if you gained her loyalty.

Head up, shoulders back, don't let them see you break down.

Andromeda Black is the next daughter. She was always the odd one in the family. Though her parents and siblings thought nothing of it.

Feelings make you weak and expensive. Get rid of them even though we have the money to spare.

Narcissa Black is the youngest. She was the favorite child and favorite sibling of all her sisters. She was the perfect child.

Respect your elders but be superior amongst your peers.

Those are just a few of the things the Black sister's heard in their household daily. Not that most of them minded - of course then there was Andromeda who always minded.

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story

-Lin Manuel Miranda

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