"Want me to make you coffee or something?" "Yes please"

"Papa! papa!" Jimin came running while holding hands with Tae "yes?"
"Can me and TaeTae go to garden??!"

Yoongi looked at Jin, after sharing a look he replied "yes, but if something happens come back here and tell us okay?" "Okay!!" Both littles shouted excited

"Hyung go pick up Jungkook his at a baby bouncher on the living room" He said making the older's coffee "sure"

As he walked into the living room Jungkook was peaceful playing with his baby rattle "heyy little one~" The little started making grubby hands toward the man "mmh hello baby~" He said picking him up "let's go to papa hmm"

"No need I'm coming" Yoongi said making his way to the living room

"Okay now tell me, what's wrong?" He said sitting on the sofa

"Oh god Yoongs! It has only been three days! Three days off little space and I miss his little self.." He said hugging tight Jungkook "hey hey- first of all I want my baby" He said taking him from his lap and replacing it with a mug of coffee "here, second isn't he in little space at the moment?"

"He is- but I don't know..all this three days he was big yet we did stuff together but- I DON'T KNOW!" he said crying out "hey hey no worries"

"Once this playdate is over Taehyung will get tired and go into baby space, think about that"

"What if he won't tho?"

"Well...what makes him go into baby space?" He asked while playing with Jungkook at the main time

"Well..footie onesie and..long naps maybe..yes" "Okay then why are you even worrying so much"
"Your right..Im over reacting.."
"Yes you are.."

"Let me have my moment geez" He playful rolled his eyes

"Also forgot to ask, where is Hoseok?"

"Oh yeah, he is out with his sister"  "oh jiwon.." "Yeah we told jimin and Kookie but they would get tired and fussy so I stayed back.." He explained "oh I see.."


" 'Minnie lookie!!" He said sitting down near a nest of ants "ohhh ants!" Jimin yelled and pointed out

"Wan play hide an 'ick?" Jimin asmed tapping his shoulder "oki! But 'Minnie count" "Okay!"

" 'wo"
"here I  come!" He yelled and started running

Taehyung was hiding behind a tree giggling knowing that he won't be able to find him

"Tae I will find you!" Jimin kept talking to himself

Taehyung started crawling around as Jimin was getting closer, he was really quote until something caught his attention...

"Oh my god! Minnie!!"

"Oh- found you!" He said jumping up and down "look! Kitty!" He said pointing at an orange cat that was cleaning itself "ohh kitty!" Jimin said getting closer

He started petting her.."is it ok to pet?" "Yes!"

"Once went to park and a kitty didn't want me to pet her" He said with a pout "oh..this kitty friendly!"

"Yeah!" He said as the cat was moving into his lap

-in the house-

"Should we make something for the boys?" Yoongi asked "yeah.."

"I have some chicken nuggets, does Tae like those?" He asked getting up
"Yeah, I can cook them is that okay?"

"Nah it's fine I will..here take jungkook, act like it's Taehyung or something" He said smirking

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