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Re-Cap; Jimin was the first person Jungkook met on his first day of school. Jimin was so kind to him and treated him like he would any other person despite Jungkook wearing a mask for no reason. Jungkook took a liking to Jimin; he thought Jimin was an angel and maybe, they could be friends one day.


"Be quiet class!"

The teacher hollered, her voice loud and clear, yet the bunch of students in the classroom didn't seem fazed. It was as if they didn't hear her, but it was evident they did but chose to ignore.

The teacher, Mrs. Shen who looked about thirty, was short and wore glasses. Her black long hair tied in a messy bun and she was wearing a white cardigan atop a brown shirt and black jeans. She was holding papers, and a digital pen as she glared at the students who wouldn't listen.

And it was only the first day of school.

"Class!" She yelled; this time though, she slapped her desk loud enough to bring attention, which worked. The students were a bit startled at the loud thundering sound, quieting down to find the source, only to be met by an angry teacher.

"It is only the first day. There should be no reason to be this loud in my class. I will not tolerate such behavior!" She scolded, her voice yet scary. "You will either do your work independently or as a group of two silently, or you can get out of my class," she lectured, pointing at the door; she was beyond enraged. The look on her angry face, was not only disturbing but scary.

And to that, the students nodded, though a majority of them could careless. Scary? A bunch of teenagers in a prestigious school? They all seemed quite cocky.

"And you, Kim, stop bothering my students or get out of my classroom," She sighed, talking to a student at the very back. "And get your legs off my desk."

Kim Taehyung rolled his eyes, yet slowly took his legs off the desk. He pushed his chair back, and slid his butt at the edge of the seat and leaned back, then crossed his legs beneath the smaller table. He looked at the teacher, his eyes cussing at her Indirectly as he poked his tongue in his cheek.

The teacher looked fed up; she didn't even know what to say, as if she'd had known the boy for a long time and knew saying anything would be useless. So she continued on with her teaching, writing something down on the board.

"The syllabus, it has-" she began to speak, but stopped when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," She said, finishing up the last words she was writing down and when she was done, her attention directed to the people walking through the door.

"Ah Jimin-shi," She said happily, her voice welcoming. "Are you here to take back Taehyung? I'm so fed up," She chuckled lightly, and the boy before him chuckled as well. The students were stunned to see her joyful all so suddenly. And the boy? Who was he to cause a teacher to converse with him with such respect?

"Well, not quite. I was running an errand for Mr. Choi when I came across one of your students in the hall way," Jimin said, moving out the way to show jungkook who was standing behind him with his head down, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"My student?" Mrs. Shen questioned, looking at the said boy. With squinted eyes, as if she was thinking, she hollered; "Oh. You must be Jungkook-shi, right?"

Jungkook nodded; "J-Jeon Jung-jung..K-kook," The young boy stuttered, trembling almost. He looked so small beside the boy Jimin who was about three inches shorter than him.

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