Chapter Fourty Five

Start from the beginning

"Thats it" The last thing we heard was Liam's girly scream and Nico's diabolical Laugh "That was expected" Lin laughs, Jesus her laugh I want to hear that every second of every day I would dig it in my skull if I could just hear that over and over again for the end of time.

I pull her by the waist once everyone is gone and has left back to the campfire they were preparing, her small nervous giggle bring a smile to my face. Each time we're this close I just look at her perfect face and those freckles that I would die just to see them I count them each time and every single time I lose count when I get to her eyes. A chocolate like color that turn darker when she's mad or frustrated but they turn five times bigger when she's sad. The way her puffy eyes and puffy nose look are cute when they shouldn't look that way a person is supposed to look ugly when they cry but she doesn't last time I saw her cry was because of an ex boyfriend back in freshman year man I wanted to kill the guy.

Actually last time I saw her cry was when she was leaving a party I had heard that she was up with some guy and all I could think about was betrayal that what she was doing was wrong because the guy she was supposed to be with was me but I stopped myself before going up there and breaking the guys jaw but once I saw her puffy face and red bloodshot eyes I knew something went wrong as much as I wanted to go out and comfort her I thought she would be fine once I saw her leave with Nico I hurried up those stairs to the blonde who had a smirk on his face as he left the room. Lets just say that after that night those sheets turned from white to a dark red real quick.

"What" she grabs a hold of my nose taking me out of her trance she had on me with those eyes. "Nothing" I smile pecking her forehead.

I can't go on pretending anymore we act like were together there's nothing more holding us back. Then why do I keep my feelings to myself, I want to scream and tell her. I finally found someone I hate leaving I've found someone that I can't get enough of I've found someone who accepts me for who I am and doesn't tell me I need to change. I think I have found the one I can fall madly in love with. Actually I have, she has the power over me.

I pull her back to me as we walk at first she looks confused I kiss her deeply like I have once before. That one day I left was one of my biggest mistakes I have made I ran away from her and slept with others trying to forget her but she was the only person I had in mind, she doesn't know about it and as much as I hate hiding things from her this is one thing im taking to the grave with.

"Fuck it"


"I always told you I didn't believe in love, ever since we were kids I told you that I hate the way it's portrayed but now I never realised how wrong I have been you have been with me all these years and always I would see you as the same old but I have never been more wrong."

"Mathias" She smiles as a tear falls

"Adelina I love you. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. Every time I think of you I feel the intensity of loving you like you could never imagine. What I want more than anything is to hold you in my arms each second of every day. 86400 seconds 1440 minutes 24 hours, I only ever thought there was two kinds of loves; the kind you would kill for and the kind you would die for, but you, my darling, you are the kind of love I would live for. So here I am expressing my love for you I didn't even know existed"

"I Love you Adelina Arrison!" I yell as she laughs cupping my face with her gentle hands pulling me close her lips on mine as her smile enlarges each time she meets my face "I Love you Mathias Knight" She laughs and I swear I have never been happier in my life to hear those words I grab her whole twirling her around happiness filling me completely. And if it started to rain I placed her down laughing as we heard our friends from a distance.

"Hurry place the things inside" grace yelled "Wait my smore isn't done"

"Fuck your smore come on"

"Guys where is Ade and Mathias"

"Fuck them too they are probably fucking too" Laughs fill the woods "Fuck all of you were not"

"Oh shit guys run"

As we ran through the rain hand in hand our laughs filled with pure joy, The rain was always our favorite growing up and I think it's because we were to broken, to numb to cry so the sky did it for us. But how does the saying goes?

The calm before the storm, or in this case the rain before the storm.

A Two Year DesireWhere stories live. Discover now