part 72 - the end

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Sitting on the high stool, your eyes closed as you soak in the bliss, you could not be happier for you life as it was right now. The heat of the summer sun is shining through the large bay windows of Jade's bedroom as you revelled in the delight of your wedding day.

'Mummy, Mummy!' the excited squeals of your darling children filled the air as they ran towards you with the most excited smiles on their faces. Soaking in the scent of their hair as you kissed the tops of the twins heads, Sophia and Joseph practically bounced on the spot.

Jade peaked her head around the doorframe. 'Who wants breakfast' with an uproar they both ran off towards the kitchen where Jade's mum was cooking up a feast. Trying to stifle her huge grin she looks towards you, 'How you feeling?'

Biting the edge of you lip you struggle to contain you excitement. 'I can't bloody wait.' Erupting into laughter Jade hugs you from behind as she looks at you in the dressing table mirror.

'You will be the most beautiful bride there ever was.' Ruffling your long ebony curls down your back Jade gives you a little wink, 'Here's my surprise for you. Come in boys' Raising her voice as a cue for two young males to enter, they are carrying an abundance of bags as they flock to your side.

'This is Demetri and his partner Claude, they will be in charge of all things beauty.' Watching as they coo over your features they make promises to evolve you into the queen you already are. Mesmerised as they transform and enhance your natural beauty, opting for soft brown features your skin is smooth and sun kissed, your hair delicately pinned from your face enhancing your neckline and shoulders. It was perfect.

Jade helped you into your figure hugging laced dress, simple and sweet, watching at the material pools around your feet flowing into a small train you give Jade a small twirl. Flapping her hands in front of her face trying to waft away the happy tears, 'Oh my goodness, Trixie your beautiful!'

'Wow Mummy!' Sophia's sweet little voice danced across the hall as she skipped towards you, her flower dress bouncing along with her curls that matched yours taimed under a flower crown.

Bending down to her eye level you stroke her cheek, 'Thank you sweetie. You look like a princess too! Wait till daddy see's you.'

Watching her smile as she spins holding the edges of her dress your cheeks flush at her cuteness, what have you done to deserve these wonderful human beings.

'Ready.' Jade's hand reaches out to yours as you get ready to leave.

'Never been more ready for anything.' The wedding had been such a long time coming. You didn't want to rush James' recovery and with the unexpected twist of not one but two angels your life had become hectic in a good way. Watching James become a father has been the most amazing experience of your life, you have built a perfect family together and the love you felt warmed the deepest depths of your soul when you pictured the rest of your life together.


Shuffling as you hop between feet you have never been more nervous in your while life. Not able to keep still as you fidget with the buttons of your tuxedo you stand anxiously waiting at the front of the alter, licking your lip as your mouth runs dry.

'You ok buddy?' Steve pat's you on the back firmly as you watch the guests slowly trickle into their seats.

Rubbing your jawline you nod, 'Yeah, yeah I'm good.'

Taking a deep breath as the band begin to play your stomach flips as the anticipation builds. Smiling as you spot the twins entering the large glass dome of the botanical gardens structure your face softens as how sweet they look. Walking hand in hand Joseph is wearing a matching tuxedo to yours, the bow tie tickling his chin as he walks. Sophia's angelic smile lightens your heart as she skips besides him, wearing a tulle blue dress and matching bow it bounces as she sprinkles the petals across the floor in front of them. Spotting you proudly watching them from the front their pace quickens erupting adored giggles from the guest as they run into your open arms.

'You look so beautiful!' holding them at arm's length to get another look before pulling them back into another tight hug. 'I love you both so much. You did a good job well done.'

'Uncle peter' Joseph's face lit up as Peter picks him up and ushers them to stand by his side as the music changes.

Your hands begin to sweat as your breathing becomes heavy again. This is it.

Shaking off the nerves, you push your shoulders back and try to remain calm. Slowly Jade enters the aisle, a broad smile gleaming towards Steve as he awes at her beauty.

Your eyes however are fixated on the doorway just located over her shoulder.

Your eyes widen at the sight of your Doll, watching her nervously straighten her dress as she mutters to Happy he glides her down the isle towards you. Happy's looked so proud and was overwhelmed when Beatrix asked him to walk her down the aisle, he had taken such good care of both of you so much over the last few years you could not have imagined anyone else in his place.

The intricate lace detailing of Beatrix's dress was modest but highlighted her gorgeous curves, slightly dipping between her luscious breasts her skin looked golden against the white fabric. Her emerald eyes sparkled underneath the bright summer sun, how could you be so lucky.


Arriving at the alter, Happy proudly pat's your hand in his, brushing your cheek with a light kiss before passing your hands over to James'.

Butterflies soured through your body as you gazed into his eyes, your mind felt as if you were dreaming. Quietly you whisper, 'Hi.' Flashing a tooth baring giddy smile, reciprocating James whispers back, 'Hi Doll.' Causing you both to let out a small nervous giggle.

Standing to the side of you the priest addresses the audience, ' We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of two very special people. James Buchanan Barnes and Beatrix Miller.'

The time came to exchange vows, you had opted to read your own;

With a gentle squeeze, the cool metal of James hand glides across the smooth skin of yours. His gaze burrows deep into your soul as he speaks to you, the outside world fades away, leaving just you and him declaring your love for one another.

His voice was deep and silky as he spoke from the heart. 'Beatrix Miller, since the moment I saw you spread out across the hotel floor after you banged your head, I knew someone needed to keep you safe and I was more than happy to fill that role. There hasn't been a single day where I haven't been able to get you off my mind. You amaze me every moment of every day with your clumsy disposition and charming outlook on life. Your creativity has splashed my darkened world with the colours of life, of not just one but 3 amazing members to my perfect family and I couldn't be more grateful. We have been through so much already at this is only the beginning. I can't wait for our next adventure, just promise me it won't include a hospital visit.'

The audience let's out an amused chuckle, he has always been a charmer when it comes to public speaking and has never failed to win over a crowd.

Clearing your throat as you began to speak, your voice is shaking. ' James Bucky Barnes. I knew I loved you from the moment we met, and I have been helplessly lost in your eyes ever since. I promise to grow with you and build with you a better life each day as we learn from each other to be patient, kind, giving, and to always cherish each day together. I promise to be here to wipe away tears of sadness, to elicit tears of joy, and to cry out to everyone who will listen how much I love you, let's face it we all know I can cry a lot so i am well experienced in this field. I can't wait to continue our journey hand in hand forever and always.' Choking up on the last few words your try to push the tears of gratitude away.

Exchanging rings the proud voice booms inside the dome. 'I now pronounce you husband and wife!' cheers erupted as James scoops your face into a passionate embrace.

'I love you Mrs Barnes.'

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