Part 69

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Steadying you with her arms, Jade is by your side as you race towards the hospital. Running from the car to the reception desk your practically screaming at the receptionist for any information you can get.

‘James Buchannan Barnes, is he here? Can I see him’

Flustered by your haste, the receptionist taps away at her screen to get any information that she can find. ‘Are you his wife?’

‘Yes. Yes I’m his wife. Now where is he I need to see him. Is he ok?’ Running your hands through your hair before tapping on the counter as your patience is non existent, the panic rages through your bones as your veins run cold.

Stumbling over her words, the receptionist stands from behind the computer screen, walking behind the counter she gestures you to a private waiting area. ‘He's being cared for by our best surgical team at the moment. I don’t have any updates but please use this room while you wait and I will update you as soon as we know more.’

The minutes felt like hours. You were starting to go crazy as you paced back and forth, your whole body was shaking as your imagination dreaded the worst. Jade’s hands slide over your shoulders as she tries to sooth your motions. ‘Trixie, you need to try and calm down.'

Exploding at her suggestion, ‘Calm, I can’t calm. I spent the night carving stupid arse pumpkins, enjoying a lovely dinner silently cursing his existence for leaving me stranded while all the time James is fighting for his damn life!’

Tears start to roll down Jade’s face, you could tell she would do anything to fix this but you were all helpless. ‘It’s not good for the baby, you need to come sit down.’

The baby. You had forgotten all about the baby. Breaking down at the thought of loosing both of them you fall into Jade’s arms and sob.

‘Woah, what baby?’ Steve’s voice shook from the back corner of the room where he had been sat frustrated with the lack of control, his head buried into his hands. ‘Your baby?’ Standing to cross the row of chairs between you he wipes the tears from your eyes as you nod silently.

‘Does....does he know?’ taking a moment to process, Steve rubs the stubble along his jaw before gestures towards the door meaning Bucky, does Bucky know.

With a loud sob falling down into the chair you catch your face in your palms. ‘No.’

Sitting in silence the tension in the air builds in revelation to the news. Suddenly a loud knocking at the door snaps the concentration of the group as you all dart to your feet in attention.

Entering the room was an older gentleman, wearing dark blue scrubs you could see the grey streaks lining the sides of his hair. Closing the door behind him, stretching his hand out to greet you in a strong British accent, ‘Hello. My name is Dr Stephen Strange.’

Bee to my Barnesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن