part 71

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Disturbed from your slumber, momentarily your confused as to where you are, wishing it was all an awful nightmare you clear your throat as you sit upright in the chair gathering yourself.

The nurses slowly wheel James back into the room. Hesitating as you raise to your feet, you examine his warn pale face under the oxygen tubes, your fingers tickle over the spiked stubble on his chin noting the speckles of grey mixing into the dark shadows. Your eyes casted over the red grazes of his cheek bone now visible over the dark purple bruising, gently kissing his cool skin you whisper, 'Welcome back James, I missed you.'

'He has responded well to the treatment, the anaesthesia should ware off soon, but right now he just need plenty of rest. He's going to be groggy and sore when he wakes up.' The nurse sympathetically rubs your arm then finishes scribbling down over the chart before leaving the room.

Tears pricking your eyes as your fingers gently run over the cold metal casing of James' arm, the smooth black and grey design glistened under the florescent lighting. Admiring the work, Tony and Chris had managed to match the original shaping of Bucky's arm quite well. Your fingers interlock with robotic digits, ripping your hand away you let out a gasp as they react to your touch. Jumping back, panicking that you had damaged them, you look up to James' face you see his eyelids fluttering to reveal the ice steel blue jewels you were so scared you would never see again.

His voice dry and horse, winching as he tried to speak, 'Doll..'

Trying to speak through the sobs, almost incoherent you stutter back. 'I'm here...I'm right here Buck.'

Shouting over your shoulder for a nurse to come quickly you lean over James body stoking his shaggy dark hair, your tears falling onto his chest. 'oh, James. Your ok, it's going to be ok. I love you.'

Hearing the mechanical grinding of the pistons moving within his arm, James slowly wiggles his fingers intently watching the movements with a stern expression before lowering his hand to place it across your stomach.

Softening his eyes looking at your abdomen rather than you he quietly manages a mumble 'Hi Baby.'

A wide smile breaking through your years as you let out a small laugh of relief. Placing your hand over his as it gently stroked over your skin, you tilt you head lovingly at James as your reply on their behalf. 'Hi Daddy.'

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