part 68

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Making your way across apartment lobby you note 2 policemen at the reception desk, a sombre expression on their faces as they hold their hats in their hands,  Halloween was always crazy in the city and it wasn’t unusual for someone to get into trouble.

The streets outside seemed quieter than usual, evidence of the long gone trick or treater’s scattered across the streets in the form of candy wrappers, there was only the occasional adult sporting smeared face paint and wearing only partial costumes stumbling home drunk and merry after enjoying their costume parties.

Waiting at the curb for a taxi to pass, there is a distinct lack of traffic. ‘What the hell’s going on?’. No one ever struggles to find a taxi in New York.

Wrapping Happy’s jacked closer to your skin you start to walk  towards home, Manhattan night time was never quiet, looking around at the carnage of toilet paper shrewn over the branches of trees and bins that scattered on the city streets it’s very clear some teenagers have enjoyed their fun.

The air began to fill with the familiar sounds of sirens whirling through the streets, the sound bouncing off the concrete buildings. Turning the corner the scene in front makes your heart stop, the blue and red flashing lights reflecting from the windows of the surrounded buildings providing a barrier to the crowds of clowns, zombies and vampires as they shuffle to see the wreckage.

Heading towards the scene, a hollow pit opens in your gut, recognising the matt paintwork of the black exterior to James' Audi R8 as it lay flipped on its back. The debris and glass flung across the road mixing with the green shrapnel of the van it had collided with.

Your legs turned into jelly as your heart pounds in your ribcage, pain sours through your chest as you race towards the car forcefully pushing past the onlookers. You voice is a harrowing cry as you scream out for James, tears streak your makeup as you fight to get close.

‘Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to step back.’ A burley officer tries to restrain you from getting closer.

Not even registering his words you scramble to get out of his grasp. ‘James! JAMES!.’ Trying to scan the upturned disaster before you, your heart prays your mistaken. Straining to see in the dim moonlight and your blurred vision you can make out the speckles of red abstract paint that speckled across the shattered windscreen.

Feeling your legs give way under you, falling into the arms of the officer your sob’s echo into your chest, gasping as you struggle to catch your breath.

Panting as they race towards you, Steve and Jade drop by your side. ‘Beatrix.’

Throwing yourself towards them, you grip Steve’s arms. ‘It’s James, Steve you need to help him.’

Stroking your hair as he holds you close, his heart deafening as his chest rapidly lifts and falls under his laboured breaths. ‘I know, I know. The police came to get us. It’s going to be ok, he’s gonna be ok. He has to be.’

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