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Thoughts in bold

"I can't do this not now. They're right. Vinnie is leaving anyway. He's going to find someone better than me."

Ben- Y/n don't say that please.

Ben held Y/n as tears streamed down her face.

Ben- It's okay. I don't know why you would read those stupid comments. You know the truth and how much Vinnie loves you.

Y/n kept crying and crying.

I wouldn't be feeling this shitty if I didn't have so much on my mind.
I bottle everything up until I snap

There was a knock at the door and it opened. It was Vinnie. He stiffened at the sight of Y/n in Ben's arms. As Vinnie was about to say something Ben got up leaving Y/n in her bed. He got up and took Vinnie by his arm toward the kitchen.

Y/n laid there in her thoughts. She didn't know what to think.

I'm overreacting
I shouldn't be crying over this

A couple of minutes later Vinnie walks in with s different expression than before. His face softened as he saw Y/n wrapped up in a blanket. Not saying a word he climbed into bed with her.

Im guessing Ben told him what happened.

Vinnie- I kept calling you and you didn't pick up.

Y/n didn't say anything.

Vinnie- Baby. You shouldn't believe what anyone says about you. They're obviously jealous and mad that you're my girlfriend. They don't know how perfect and special you are to me.

Y/n just laid on his chest not having any words to say.

Vinnie- When you're ready to talk I'm here.

Vinnie ran his fingers through her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

(Time skip to a couple of hours later)

Y/n tries to move when she feels arms wrapped around her waist and sees Vinnie. Instantly she remembered why he was there. She started feeling bad for being dramatic over comments that shouldn't even bother her.

They shouldn't bother me.

She stays laying at the ceiling confused and tired. A couple of minutes later she feels Vinnie move and he sits up yawning.

Vinnie- Hey beautiful

Y/n- Hi

Y/n gives him a small smile and he lays back down in the same position he was in before. She runs her fingers through his hair while nothing was said.

Y/n- I'm sorry

Vinnie- hm?

Y/n- The only reason I was acting like this was because you know maybe the comments are right.

Vinnie- Baby no okay. They're not right. They don't know you like I do, or your family, or mine. You're beautiful and special to me in every way. You're perfect and I love you. I know it's going to take some time getting used to everything. And you shouldn't be saying sorry for how you feel. Never apologize for expressing your feelings. If anyone should be sorry, it's me. I brought us both into this mess.

Y/n- I just feel ba-

Vinnie- No don't feel bad. You don't deserve to be treated like this, especially by people who don't even know you.

Y/n hugs Vinnie and doesn't let go.

Vinnie- You've changed my life for the better. You've made me the happiest I've even been. I don't know how I got so lucky with you.

Vinnie got up and put his hand out.

Y/n- What are you doing?

Vinnie- Come on get up

Y/n was hesitant but she got up and took his hand. They headed down to the kitchen.

Vinnie- So I asked your mom if she could bring us stuff to bake.

Y/n- You didnt

A smile formed on her face.

Y/n started taking out the bowl and mixer and Vinnie was reading the directions.

Vinnie- Okay. Wait how much flour?

Y/n- 2 cups

Y/n was taking out the eggs as she turns around Vinnie throws a handful of flour on her face and hair.


Quickly Y/n grabbed some flour in her hands as Vinnie was stepping back. Y/n chased him around the kitchen until he finally stopped and Y/n threw the flour on his face.

Vinnie- I hate you

He tried to act mad but quickly smiles as he saw flour all over Y/n

Y/n- Well i love you too. Now help me clean this up before mom gets mad at us.

They quickly cleaned the flour and finished baking the brownies.

Once the brownies were down cooking and cooling they sat down and ate some.

Vinnie- These turned out pretty good

Y/n hadn't even touched hers as she looked to be lost in her thoughts.

Vinnie- Y/n...Baby

Y/n- Hm?

Vinnie- You okay?

Y/n- Yeah I'm just glad we did this. I needed it.

Vinnie- We'll try to spend more time like this. I know I haven't been here with you much because of everything and practice, but I'll try.

Y/n- I know you will.

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