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Thoughts in bold

It was the next morning and Y/n was walking out to Ryan's truck since they were going to starbucks and heading to school. She couldn't stop think about what happened with Vinnie the day before and what he said about Ryan. She wanted to ask him but she was nervous. As the we're pulling into the starbucks drive through she finally got the courage to ask about it.

Y/n- Can I ask you something?

Ryan- Sure. anything.

Y/n- Do you talk about me? like to your friends?

Ryan looked at her confused.

Ryan- Why are you asking?

Y/n- Just heard some stuff at school that's all.

i'm not telling him Vinnie told me
Or should I?
he would freak out

Ryan- And you believe whatever nonsense they say?

She notices Ryan tense up as he begins to drive forward to order. Their conversation stops as he orders the drinks. Once he was done he rolled up the window and began talking again.

Ryan- Do you believe them?

He raised his voice and she was confused.

Y/n- I'm starting to now that you seem to be getting all defensive.

Ryan sighed and looked out the window. They got their drinks and got to school not saying one word. As they got off the truck Y/n looked at him.

Y/n- You know there's no reason to tell your friends lies about us in the locker room. Just saying.

Ryan- Lies what fucking lies. You can't deny there's something between us.

Y/n rolls her eyes and scoffs.

Y/n- There is nothing going on. You like me, but I only see you as my best friend. I'm sorry.

She gets off the truck and starts walking. Ryan trailing behind her.

Ryan- You just don't want to accept it.

Y/n- Is that why you tried so hard to break me and Vinnie up?

Ryan scoffs.

Ryan- You and Vinnie were done from the start. He doesn't care about you face it.

Y/n walks closer to him and people were now realizing we were arguing. She sees Vinnie and the rest of the football walking toward them.

Y/n- No you face it that I don't fucking like you. You always talk so much shit about the guys I've been with especially Vinnie. like what is your problem with him?

Ryan- There's so much shit wrong with him. Come on you could've been with me but you picked that piece of shit instead.

Y/n- The only piece of shit here is you. Fuck you.

Y/n was annoyed and frustrated. She turns away walking into school. Vinnie trying to catch up to her.

Vinnie- Y/n!

She turns around.

Y/n- What?

Vinnie- I'm just making sure you're okay. Ryan can be...

Y/n- I'm fine. I need to get to class.

Vinnie- Want me to take you home today.

Y/n- I'll walk.

That was kinda harsh

Y/n- Sorry. I mean no thanks I just don't want to deal with anything else today.

Vinnie- Please. We don't have to talk in the car or anything. I'd rather take you home than you walk.

Y/n- Fine. Can I go to class now?

Vinnie smiles at her and nods.

Y/n walks to class and puts her headphones in.

Can I ever get a break?
I realized I have no friends
I should probably try and make some

The school day had gone by and it was finally lunch. She sat with these random girls in her grade. They called each other friends but wouldn't really talk or hang out outside of school. But it was nice to at least be able to talk to them at lunch. They were talking about the classes they had and their tests when someone comes up behind her and taps her shoulder and Y/n turns around.

Y/n- Oh hi

Vinnie- Hi

Y/n looks at him trying to figure out why he's standing there.

Vinnie- Oh yeah sorry I brought you something

Y/n- What?

Vinnie- Here

Y/n's face lit up. Vinnie knew that Y/n's favorite time of day was lunch.

He pulled out a bag of Chick-fil-a from his backpack.

Y/n- Omg!!! I'm starving! Thank you.

She stands up and hugs him.

Vinnie- I got you the usual. Nuggets with fries and extra Chick-fil-a sauce. They forgot the mac and cheese tho.

Vinnie rolls his eyes at the fact they messed up the order, but Y/n was more than happy she got lunch.

He looks so cute when he gets annoyed over little things.
No stop it.
Just friends

Y/n- You remembered

Y/n started blushing and Vinnie noticed.

Vinnie- Of course I would. I snuck out last period to go get it.

Y/n- You didnt have to do that for me.

Vinnie- I got some for me too so don't worry.

Y/n- Well thanks again but you should really get to class.

Vinnie starts whining.

Vinnie- I hate that you always try to keep me in check

Y/n- Someone has to because you obviously dont care.

Vinnie smiles and walks away.

Y/n starts taking out her food when a girl from the table starts talking.

Girl 1- So are we just going to ignore that or what?

All the girls look at Y/n waiting for her to answer.

Y/n- What? He's just Vinnie.

Girl 2- He obviously still likes you. Give him a chance.

Girl 3- You mean another chance.

Y/n- It didn't work out. Besides he's my brothers best friend so i don't see it working anyway.

Girl 1- Well you two were cute together is all i'm going to say.

Y/n smiles and starts eating.

I miss him.
and the fact he brought me food and remembered my order doesn't help.
But we're just friends.

Brother's best friend...Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now