-I Love You-

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"Give me the worst of you. 'Cause I want you anyway."- Worst of You by Maisie Peters

        October 27

Joe had invited Taylor to a cafe. He wanted to finally come clean with her, and hoped she wouldn't walk away. He had felt horrible hiding from her for so long.

His phone rang. His mother's name flashed across the screen, and he reluctantly picked up.

"Joseph, did you hear what Queen Andrea did?" His mother's sharp voice asked.

"No." Joe sighed. He prepared himself for his mother, Queen Catherine of England, to rant for a long time. His mother had stolen Queen Andrea's crown a long time ago, and now they were rivals. The kingdoms hated each other.

"Just this morning, she convinced her daughter to do an interview about the crown. Princess Taylor said horrible things of us. We cannot allow this to happen."

"Mother, this drama is so old. Why don't you just give the crown back?" Joe had been wearing a disguise ever since he got to America. He was supposed to be a spy for his mother.

"I cannot do that! It was my crown to begin with."

"Really? Then why did you send me here to kill Queen Andrea and King Scott?" Joe asked calmly.

"They don't deserve to be on the throne. Have you poisoned their food yet?"

"No. And I'm not going to." Taylor walked in. Joe's eyes went wide. He had gotten to the cafe early to wait for her.

"If you don't, I will remove your title." Queen Catherine spoke harshly.

"No, don't do that. I'll figure it out." Joe hung up, pulling out Taylor's chair. She looked a little confused. He wasn't sure how much she had heard.

"What was that?" She asked, pointing to his phone.

"Just work. I was going over some lines with someone in my scene." She nodded. The ordered food, and talked for a long time. Joe wondered when the right time to tell her was. There was no way she could forgive him once she found out he was supposed to kill her parents.

He had finally worked up the courage to tell her when the cafe closed, and they were walking down the street to her car. Taylor started to talk about the Christmas movies her family watched. Joe told her of his family's ice water pool tradition.

She threw her head back laughing. Joe couldn't help but smile. No one back home understood him like this. It was like some invisible string had tied him to her.

Joe dropped her off at the castle and went home to find the poison. He threw it away. There was no way he could kill. But his mother would be furious with him.

Taylor helped her kids with their homework, replaying her date with Joe. She loved the way he walked, way he talked, way he said her name. She hoped he never changed.

"Mom, you look tired." Taylor was feeling a cold come on. Willow was right. She went to her room to take a nap.

When she woke up, Cornelia was at the foot of her bed, looking worried. She was holding a bowl. Taylor sat up.

"I made you some chicken noodle soup." Cornelia set the bowl on a tray, giving it to Taylor. Taylor thanked her.

Willow came in and took her temperature. Her eyes widened when she saw it was 103 degrees. She went and got some water for Taylor.

"How do you feel?" Cornelia watched Taylor eat her soup.

"I'm ok. Just tired and I have a headache." Cornelia pouted her lips. Taylor chuckled. The twins left her to rest, making dinner for themselves. Taylor wondered how they were so mature and silly at the same time.

A few hours later, Taylor woke up again. She crept out of her room, and saw the twins were asleep. She took her temperature again, and had to throw up. She looked on her phone, and the main sickness she could have was food poisoning. She thought back on what she had for lunch. Nothing had seemed wrong....

She got a text from Joe, and sat on her bed to read it. She called him.


"Did I have anything strange for lunch?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I think I have food poisoning."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry. Do you want me to come over tomorrow and make you soup?" Joe asked.

"Sure. But it can't be chicken noodle. The twins already made me some."

"Ok. Can I tell you something?" Joe asked.

"Sure." Taylor's stomach hurt again. She had to go throw up. She told Joe this and hung up. As she was throwing up, she felt him holding her hair back.

"Hi." Joe sat next to her on her bed. He handed her a glass of ice chips.

"What did you want to tell me?" Joe looked over at Taylor.

"I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too." Taylor kissed him. They fell asleep together, and Joe helped her whenever she needed to throw up in the night. Taylor kept wondering why she had food poisoning.


there it is joes big secret

took me a while to figure it out lol

i mentioned begin again and hey stephen by taylor

see you guys next week

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