-Through The Garden Gate-

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      "The truth doesn't cost you anything. But a lie could cost you everything."- Unknown.

        The 28th night of September

        Taylor woke up early like she did every day. She made breakfast for Cornelia and Willow, their favorite. Baked oats. She made herself a smoothie and opened Cornelia's door quietly.

        "Good morning!" Cornelia said. She set her phone down. Taylor had only gotten them phones so they could communicate if they had to hide. Cornelia walked into Taylor's bedroom.
Willow opened her door and followed.

        "I moved the kitchen to behind my bedroom." Taylor said, opening the door to the kitchen. A living room with a tv was included. The room in front of her bedroom was now a closet for dresses.

"Yay!" Willow squealed. They sat there and ate breakfast. Taylor got a call on her phone, and stepped into her room to take it.

The call
Queen Andrea Princess Taylor

"Would you like to test out the new garden maze?

"Yes! I'll change and go out."

Taylor hung up and went back to finish breakfast. The garden had been worked on for years. It was hopefully going to be a place where the royals could go without photos being taken. She went down to the garden and began to wander through the flowers.

Joe had been walking through the garden for a while. He had gotten lost, and was hoping to find someone to tell him how to find the exit. He had seen the garden gate a while ago, but taken a wrong turn. From behind a bush, he saw Taylor.

        She was looking beautiful as always, and was casually looking around

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She was looking beautiful as always, and was casually looking around. He felt relief at seeing her. He felt butterflies when he saw her, but didn't know if she liked him back.

"Princess Taylor!" Taylor turned around to see Joe. His blue eyes sparkled, and he smiled at her. She smiled at him, carefully walking to him. She didn't want to trip in her heels in front of her crush.

 She didn't want to trip in her heels in front of her crush

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A/N: I had to look all over the internet for this photo

"Did you just arrive?" Joe asked.

"Yes. Why?" Joe smiled sheepishly.

"I'm kind of lost. I'm not sure how long I've been out here." Taylor threw her head back laughing.

"I came in a few moments ago. You're not far from the gate. Should I accompany you there?" She asked nervously. She didn't want to mess this up.

"Would it be all right if we just walked for a while?" Taylor nodded. Joe tried to think of ways to break the ice.

"So what do you do for a living?" Taylor asked. She knew virtually nothing about Joe. Joe thought for a moment.

"I'm an actor in London."

"What is London like? I've never been there."

"It's lovely. However, have you heard of Big Ben?" Taylor nodded. "I hear people who work near there work around the clock." Taylor laughed. Joe was taken aback. People never laughed at his jokes.

"What music do you like?" Joe asked Taylor.

"Maisie Peters and Selena Gomez ." She responded.

"Really? I've never met someone who has even heard of Maisie." Joe said.

"Me either. She's so underrated. I told my mother about her, and she thought-." Taylor cut off, looking at Joe. He gestured for her to go on, clearly interested in what she had. No one had been that interested in her life besides paparazzi in a long time.

"She thought I was making someone up." Taylor finished. She felt like she was coming off a little shy. She hadn't talked to someone like this in a while. They continued to tell stories.

"Here we are." Joe opened the garden gate for Taylor. They walked together back to the castle.

"Did you know Christmas was in 28 days and 2 months?" Taylor and Joe said at the same time.

        "Wow. I finally found someone as obsessed with Christmas as I am." Taylor said, a smile on her face.

        "My family and I watch Elf and A Christmas Story every Christmas." Joe said.

        "So does mine. What are you doing in America?"

        "I'm here on vacation. Just until November 13."

        "Well, I hope to see you around." Taylor walked into the castle, bombarded by cameras again.

A/N: I hoped you liked this 😊
Inspired by Begin Again
I cannot wait for Red Taylor's Version
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