Chapter 51

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The bright light shone on my face in the morning. Ugh. I hate the sun sometimes. Rolling over and saw Carl facing me. His.eyes were wide open and it scared me a bit. I jumped and he smiled.

"You little dirtbag." I mumbled sitting up.

"No no, I'm your little dirtbag." He said with a sly smirk. I laughed and kissed his soft lips.

We got out of bed and I hot dressed into a plaid shirt with black jeans and boots. I grabbed my small gun and walked out with Carl's arm over me.

We entered the kitchen and saw a bunch of people surrounding someone. I couldn't see who it was until I got closer. It was one of Alexandria's people, Pete.

"What happened?" I asked Sasha. "Rick punched him in the face!"

"What?" "They were at the arena and Rick was losing, so he just punched him. Looking over I saw Pete with blood squirting out his nose. I had to look away. Blehh.

I fixed myself a helping of breakfast and sat down with the squad. Mickey was telling us all the new scoops of Enid and her anger towards us while Brianna and Carl laughed. I wasn't paying attention. I was paying attention to the fact that Zach wasn't speaking.

"Sorry I don't wanna interrupt you guys but Zach what's wrong?" I interrupted them.

He shook his head. I looked at Brianna and she shook her head as in she didn't know what was happening.

Making a face I kind of left him alone for the rest of the day. But this kept happening. The next day he was quiet. As.he was.the day after that, and the day after that. On the fifth day I had enough. That wasn't like him to not talk or interact with anyone, especially the squad.

Carl and I were finishing duty when I decided to stay to talk to Zach.

"So babe, do you wanna go get some food or-"

"Can I stay up here.for a while? And, ya know... see if Zach is okay?" I asked him. He stood there for a bit then walked over to me. "Yeah... um, sure," he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Just, remember that I'm yours, okay?" I cocked my head to the side. "Carl, it's just talking." He smiled and pulled me in for a small kiss. He walked off catching up to Brianna and Mickey.

I looked up into the tower and saw Zach looking out as if he was waiting for something. I climbed up the ladder to the tower and slowly made my way up.

Once I got to the opening of the tower, I slowly walked to Zach. I put my hand on his arm and he looked over at me slowly.

"Hey, okay?" I asked. He looked at me with sad blue eyes that were heartbreaking to see. "Zach... what's wrong?" I asked feeling my chest get heavy.

He looked back out to the outside of Alexandria and I sat up on the banister. "Zach come on don't ignore me." I said leaning over to him.

He looked at me with his eyes and I did the same. Without any hesitation, he grabbed my.shoulders and pulled me in for a-


My RuleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora