
The two teams had landed on the outskirts of the new ecosystem. As they got out, they were met with a new creature of the vast terrain.

Quill: is that a bird? Or a flying naked rat.

The human sized creature looked at them and screeched, flying away in the process. They had continued onward, the soldiers in a kill circle of sorts and walked behind the team and Winter. Summer of all the people was actually enjoying the new forms of life she was seeing. A few beetles, some mushrooms of colors of blue, white, and red, and beautiful crystal of white, blue, and red. She had stopped as she was hearing what she thought was crunching. She strayed off from the group and had gone around a rock, seeing the massive blue and orange creature that was eating the rocks. It had burpee, it's bottom jaw, catching a flame and looking at her in curiosity

Instead of being consumed with fear, she actually smiled as the creature didn't seem to care she was their

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Instead of being consumed with fear, she actually smiled as the creature didn't seem to care she was their. Instead, it had gone back to eating. She got close to the massive monster, petting the side of it's belly, getting a purr out of the creature. She had gotten an idea and had walked over to the red crystals she found. Breaking a few off and tying them together and hanging them on the end of her Weapon. She had carefully climbed on its back and hung the crystal in front of it. It's attention was drawn and had let out a bellow as it walked along with Summer on its back.

Summer: hey guys, look!

She had drawn their attention and seeing her on its back.

Tai: Summer! Get off that thing you don't know if it explodes!

Summer: I'm team leader, I get to do what I want!

She exclaimed in excitement as the beast picked up pace and bellowed once more. It had taken her into a cave, Tai groaning and chased after her. Quill and Raven followed after as Winter went another route with the soldiers. Tai had ran into the cave, but Quill and Raven stopped

Raven: ladies first

She said with a cocky grin

Quill: bitches follow

Raven had deadpanned look as she growled and followed. Summer laughed and yelped as the beast ran after it's treats of Crystals. Tai continuing to yell at her to get off. All of a sudden, the beast stopped in it's tracks, causing Summer to go flying off and crash into the floor. The beast had gotten scared and ran off, but came back for the crystals and ran off again. Summer groaned as she got up, gasping as she looked at the assortment of massive Crystals surrounding a bright light

Tai: Summer at you alrrrrr-what is that?

She said as she helped up Summer and looked at the bright ball of light handing off the crystals above them. Quill and Raven had finally come down, from their walk, but upon seeing the light, Quill had turned around and tried to walk away, but was grabbed by her cape from Raven. She dragged her sister down with Summer and Tai. They all just watched it, seeing it was lighting up the cave, Summer was the only one to move forward. She had reached out, the light had seems to react to her, making a growl sound and becoming brighter. Before it had flashed, Tai grabbed her and turned them around, the bright flash blowing them back a bit. Summer got up and groaned, looking back at the ball of light. It had seemed to be bleeding? She got closer, her Weapon drawn as the ball fell to the ground, splatting.

A Saint? or a Sin (Xeno'jiiva reader x Rwby)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt