Just the Beggining

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"I don't know Levi, are you sure that'll work?" Alex asked.
"Well no.. I'm not positive but it's the only thing I can think of."
"Well good luck then, let me know if you need anything."
She got up and walked away.
Would my plan really work?

I sit on the couch as I wait for my brother to get home. I reread the text he had sent me.
"Will be there in 15 minutes"
20 minutes had passed I began to worry. Is he okay? Maybe it's just traffic. Highways are packed nowadays.

"Is he here yet?" I heard Alex say in the distance.
"Not yet." I shout.
I hear her footsteps walking down the staircase.
"How long has it been?"
"25 minutes." I say as a fidget with my necklace.
She walked over to the window and open the blinds with her two fingers. Looking for Luca's car.
She sighed.

"He'll be here soon."
We were silent.
Alex and I hear then doorknob rattle. Then a knock.
She looks at me and I shoot my head over to her direction. I sat up.
She smiles and looks through the blinds.
Her smile faded.
"Ugh no." She started. "Just the lovebirds coming back from their date."
My smile faded as I slouch back on the couch.
Alex unlocks the door and lets the two in.

Jaxx and Sora walk into the house with one bag.
She gives them a smile.
"How was your date?" Alex asks in a sing song voice.
"Good." Jaxx replies.
"Yeah, we brought you guys some leftovers." Sora added.
"Just put them in the fridge." Alex walked over to me on the couch.

"I tried calling him." I sigh.
She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"We just have to hope for the best.."

"You okay Levi?" Jaxx asked as he glanced over to him.
"Jaxx help me put the box on the top shelf." Sora demanded.
Jaxx looked at him.
Jaxx let out a giggle.
He couldn't reach the top shelf in the fridge. It was pretty funny watching him struggle.
"God, you're so short." Jaxx laughs.
"Well I'm sorry what do you want me to do about it?!" He spoke in his sassy tone.
Jaxx didn't reply. But he had a grin on his face.
He helps Sora push the box inside the fridge.
"Thanks babe!" Sora says as he walks away.

Jaxx nodded. He closed the fridge door.
"Okay now back to you Levi."
I turn my head to Jaxx.
"You good?"
I sigh.
"Luca was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago."
Jaxx walks over to me and Alex.

Someone knocks on the door.
"I got it." Jaxx shouts.
He walks over to the door.
Alex looks at me and smiles.
Jaxx opens the door...

"Luca!" Jaxx shouts as he opens his arms up.
"Jaxx!" Luca wraps his arms around Jaxx for a hug. Jaxx hugs him back.
I smile at Alex and pace over to Luca and Jaxx.
They let go of each other.
Luca and I make eye contact and smile.
"Brother!" He says as he pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back.
A few seconds go by and we pull away.
Alex walks over to the three of us.
"God, I was worried." I say holding his arms.
"Yeah about that.." Luca starts.
I make a face.
"I got pulled over." He says with an awkward laugh.
"What?" I ask.
"What for?" Jaxx added.
"I was going 15 over.."

I roll my eyes and sigh.
"I'm sorry! I was too eager to see you brother."
I let out a sigh.
"It's not worth speeding ya know."
I take my hands off his arms.
"Yeah, yeah I know."
I walk back over to the couch and have a seat.

Alex and Luca smile at each other and side hug.
All three of them walk over to the couch.
"Is Charli here?" Luca asks.
"I think she went out with-"
"She went out!" Alex exclaims as she cuts Jaxx off.
"Probably gonna spend the whole day with her." Luca let's put a nervous laugh.
"Yeah, you two are cute together." I blurt.
Everyone looks at me.
I didn't even mean to say that.

"Well I'll be in Charli's room, I wanna surprise her when she walks in." Luca says with an eager tone.
He gets up and walks upstairs.
"Yeah I'll be in my room with Sora." Jaxx gets up, following Luca.

"Levi!" Alex aggressively says as she hits my arm.
"I'm sorry! It just came out.."
"Were you saying that because you didn't want to think of..him?" She questions.
I slowly nod.

The door opens. It was Charli and Light.
Me and Alex were silent as they walked through the door.
The two giggle as the wall up the steps.
I sigh.

A few seconds pass and we hear Charli squeal. She must've found Luca.
"We have to make plans tomorrow!!" Charli suggested.

It was time to see if the plan would work.

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