His plan

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Levi POV

It was a picture Light posted on his instagram of him and Charli together, having fun. I felt my heart shatter. I don't know why I'm feeling this way.
I think this is my fault.

No One POV

Levi walked downstairs still in his pajamas. Alex was at the stove cooking as always. She turns off the stove and sees Levi walking down the stairs.
"Afternoon Levi."
Levi stood where Alex was near the counter.
"Yeah, you've been in bed for the past few hours."
She tilts her head to the left signaling Levi to go sit over there. As he walks over to the couch him and Alex hear the front door open. They hear giggling while the knob was turning.

Levi hoped it wasn't Charli and Light, he can't think about them at the moment.
Luckily no, it was Sora and Jaxx coming back from the grocery store.
"Hey boys." Alex says as the sunlight enters the room.
"Hey Alex!" Jaxx says with a bright smile.
But Sora looked too 'out of breath' to respond.
"Sora you okay buddy?" Levi asked.
Sora was leaning down, his back was bent, he had his hands on his knees as he was catching his breath.
"Yeah what did you-" Jaxx bursted out laughing, cutting Alex off of what she was trying to ask. Levi walks over to Alex. "Just don't interfere." He says.
Alex let out a small giggle.

"Here's your food." She handed him a plate of two pieces of toast with scrambled eggs on the side.
"Just go sit on the couch, they're hogging the table."
Levi let out a weak smile. He walks over to the couch and sits down. Alex following behind him.
"It's not my fault you fell!" Jaxx says defensively.
"It's your fault you pushed me down that hill! So technically it is your fault!"
"Alright settle down.." Alex said using a calm tone.
"Once you guys are done giggling, can you two put the groceries up?"
"Sure." Jaxx said, and Sora nodded a yes in response.

Alex and Levi were silently sitting next to each other.
"I saw the picture too.."
"I figured." Levi sighed.
"Maybe you could change things..?"
Levi looked at her with a confused expression.
"What do you mean by that..?"
Alex sighed.
"Maybe talk things out with him.."
It was silent. Levi didn't reply after that. But how could he do it. Light and Charli are practically in love, always have been from the start. And Levi for sure didn't want to drive them away from each other. he just didn't know how to fix it. Or how do it.

"Where is Light anyways?" Levi asked.
"Either in his room out went out somewhere."
"Hey Jaxx, can you check to see if Light's car is out there?"
Jaxx nodded. He walked over to the window the opened a small space in the blinds with his fingers.
"No, but Charli's isn't." He looked back over at Alex and she smiled at him.

That could only mean two things. Light was in his room still, or him and Charli went out.
"I'll.." Levi paused.
"I'll be in my room." He sets his plate on the coffee table. He gets up and walks upstairs.
Alex turned her head to see Jaxx and Sora mouthing words to each other. Acknowledging it was about Levi.

Levi POV

I walk into my room and shut the door. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I look over at my diary. I grab it along with a pen and I begin writing.
After a few minutes of writing I hear my phone ring. I had the urge to silence the call although I didn't know who it was.
I put down the diary and the pen and grab my phone. It was Luca calling me. I accept the phone call.

"Hey brother!" I heard him say through the phone.
"What's up?"
"Just thought I'd tell you I'll be back tomorrow. Mom and dad needed my help for a few things."
"Oh alright."
"I better not see you still in bed when I'm there." Luca said with a laugh.
"I'll try not to be." I say with a chuckle.
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow."
"Love you Levi!"
Levi giggled.
"Love you too brother."

I hung up the call and put my phone down. Suddenly an idea popped in my head. Well, it was more like a plan.

No One POV

Levi thought about what he was going to do. And in his mind, it would all play out perfectly.

His Violet Eyes  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now