31) jealous about parents 🌏❤️(scar)

Start from the beginning

"Wohho ....Slow down.." he said and bopped my nose .

He gave me to Lizzie .

"Baby be careful...What would happen if u fell down?" She said and I giggled .

"Ok..Now guys ....Who has the first entry ?" Dada asked .

They talked about the premier . I was with Lizzie aunt . After 30 mins. They left .

"Chris , she is super active and I don't know how to handle her on premier . Y/n if u don't behave properly on premier mama will not talk to u and nether will dada do...U will not get momma's milk. And u will sleep in ur crib and not with us . "Mama said with a rise in her voice ...I am scared of mama...More than dada .

Mama dressed me like a lil black widow ...

"Aww look like ur mama..." Dada said.

Then all of uncles and aunts came...

"Wow...Scarlett she looks so much like u..just she has her hair like chris...But every details she has is urs ... Wow " Lizzie aunt said.

"Chris...Do. U want a lil u ?" RDJ uncle asked .

" No i dont think ..I am happy with just y/n and Scarlett and I am happy with lil Scarlett and I don't want a lil me.."dada said .

He picked me up and kissed my head .

We sat on a big car and it drive off .

We reached the place . It was beautiful ...People took photos of us...I was on my mama's hand. I hold her neck .

"Say hi " mama said I waved .

We went on the stage . Suddenly one boy and one girl came ...The girl dressed like mama's suit ..And the boy dressed in dada's suit...

"Hi...What's u name" mama asked and they said their name.

"Wow...U both are so cute " dada said and picked them up...

Mama picked the girl and dada picked the boy . I felt jealous .I was in Lizzie aunts lap...I bent to mama...

"Baby i am holding her...U be with Lizzie " she said and I sniffled..

She is my mama and that's is my dada .

"Mama...Me " i said and again leaned .

"Y/n behave !!" She scolded a bit ...And dada also gave me a look .

I didn't stop...I leaned again and now towards the boy dad was holding . I hit his arm with my fist . And he shook...

"Y/n behave ..." Mama..Yelled. ...

Lizzie aunt was in pure shock . Everyone was .

"Sorry ...Guys..She is a bit fussy today "

"Y/n " dada also raised his voice. I was now scared and angry .

Dada and mama kissed their head and let them go after 30 mins...

I was with lizzie aunt the whole time . I placed my head on her crook of neck and tears rolled down..

My mama and dada scolded me for them .

After the event . We came back to the house we were staying in Japan.

They all sat down and mama scolded me.

"Y/n i told u not to be a bad girl...U have been a very bad girl . Why did u hit his hand...? Don't talk to mama..." She said and I cried .

"Me too" dada said . I cried more...

"Mw...Just wunted u ....U awre my mama and dada ...u nw tawke twhm ..onwly mw...U twwok them and mw feel nwt good...So mw did this..swory mama and dada ...bwut mw lowve u " i said ..but they were angry with me.

Mama took me from lizzie aunt and went up along with dada ...It was already 8 p.m. By now. And tomorrow we have to leave from Japan. Mama locked the room and placed me on bed . They ate their food first .And I cried .

After they had their food ...They sat beside me..

"Mama dada mw swory....U cwn hwit me...If me being bwad girl...Like mw hwit him..." I said and they were shocked .

"Baby we won't hit u ever ...U know right ....We love u..But don't hit people . We are ur mama and dada and no one is going to take us from u . U are our baby...Ok?" Mama said and picked me up.

"Mw ur babwy and no one ur baby " i said ...

"Baby..Do u want a brother for sister every..I mean ur attitude today made me think " dada asked .

"Nw ....Mw no want brother or sister...If u bwring brwither or siwter ...Me go away from u..." I said ...They are mine and only mine ..I am not going to share them .

"Ok...We understood ...U song have to go away anywhere ..U are only baby and u will be...Ok? We promise " Dada said .And kissed my head .

I smiled ..I know what they promised they kept .

"Mama mw hungry " i said and she fed me again...

I happily drank her milk ....After 45 mins i latched off and she burped me

"Now sleep..It's already late...We have to leave for L.A tomorrow at 8 a.m. we have much work left "mama said and rubbed circles on my back.

Dada kissed my head .

It soothed me ....

I put my head on mama's chest ..And listen to her heartbeat...I was beautiful just like music ...Then I fell asleep after sometime .

"Sleep baby...We are urs forever ...And u are and will be our only baby...We won't have second child...U are our first , second and our world...Now sleep...Mama and dada loves u " mama said which made me calm down more...And I slept after hearing this words .


Words : 1416

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