Chapter 1

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Note: All of them are in the last year of college and neerja is in the second last year of college. Ashi has shifted from Delhi to Mumbai. And has taken admission in the same college as damnfam. They are all content creators but arent a group yet.

Scene starts,from two people standing facing each other.

Person1: I hate you Tanzeel Khan

Person2: I hate you Ashi Khanna

(Person 1 is revealed to be Ashi Khanna and Person 2 is revealed to be Tanzeel Khan)

Ashi and Tanzeel now return to their respective homes. Ashi is living with AU and Neerja, whereas Tanzeel lives with damnboys.


Ashi/Tanzeel (they are saying it to NAU and Damnboys respectively): Its over between us, guys.

Saying this they went to their respective rooms

Where as Damnboys and NAU stood there in shock.

Rishu/Aash: Did they really end it...?

Mnv/Unns: I guess they did.

Arsh/Neerja: But why did they,it was all perfect between them excpet from that night.

Mnv/Unns (sighs): I think we need to know the truth,and for that we need to check Pingu/Noni's diary.

Damnboys reach NAUA's house and they all gathered in the living room with Ashi's diary where as ashi is in the room sleeping.

So lets start with the flashback

Scene starts from a year earlier
Date: 13.09.2020

A girl is seen sleeping peacefully with balnket over her face.

??: Get up ashi,or else you will miss your flight.

As: 5 mins mom.

AM(Ashi's mom): U have been telling me this since the past 20 mins ashi.Get up cause you still are left to pack  ur essentials ashi.

Ashi's POV
Oh yeah, i actually forgot that i am still left with packing my essentials. I quickly got up,packed my essentials and left for the airport. Pheww,i finally reached the airport  on time and  boarded my flight for Mumbai as i finally got admission in my dream college. St.Timsons college (Its a random college name). I reached mumbai in 2 hours and rushed to my hotel as college starts tomorrow.

POV ends.

Its the next day.
Ashi quickly wakes up,gets ready and leaves for the college with her luggage as she is going to stay there in the college hostel.

Ashi quickly wakes up,gets ready and leaves for the college with her luggage as she is going to stay there in the college hostel

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Ashi's college look.

Ashi reaches the college 30 mins early and reaches her dorm

Ashi's POV
Finally,i reached the college on time and got my dorm. Actually this is 1 huge dorm with living room,kitchen and 5 twin sharing rooms. I dont know who is gonna be my room mate but i just hope its a girl cause i never had any girl friends back in school.
POV ends.

Ashi was resting and suddenly she heard the door knob turn.

She turned and saw a girl and an instant smile appeared on her lips. The girl had beautiful brown hairs with greyish eyes and was wearing blue oversized t-shirt paired with yellow skirt and yellow jordans.


Thank you so much for reading.
Hope you liked the first chapter.

Guess who is the girl.

Don't forget to vote and comment your reviews.

Ignore mistakes if any.

And also thank you so much guyss for the constant spam and support
unnav_is_life Divzzzyy1415 Siya248
barbielove25 its_khushiiii Damnfam_lou
Love you all 🥺❤

Will update the next chapter on wednesday.

See you soon.


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