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I woke up. My head was pounding and i was on the ground. For whatever reason,I was in a tree. Well,on.

I push through the leaves to rip apart the tree. At least there were like three apples and actual good material. But there's a problem. I didn't know where I was.

Last thing I remember was going mining with I think it was my mom when I was young. and my mom fell into lava. I jumped with her in hopes to save her,but wasn't even close to saving her,nor myself. I looked at myself. I had lots of little burns here and there,but something was off. My voice was deeper,I was taller,and felt....older.

I guess it had been a good amount of years. Last time I was actually awake,there were people everywhere. Making friends,holding hands,trading emeralds for diamonds,all of the sorts. Now,there was absolutely no signs of human life. Just animals. I looked around me. There were these tall creatures with purple things around them,and green things that were the shape of a chess piece. Those are creatures I haven't ever seen before. I've seen zombies,skeletons,bats,all of the sort but not these...

I didn't ever see them because my mother was always careful so she carried torches and a sword with her,it was always iron too. She thought it was too tough to get diamonds,she didn't know what level it was at.

All I knew right now was that it was 100% a different year. I don't think anyone's left,so I probably should look for somewhere safe to stay.

I heard a rattle,then another. "Hello? Who's there?" I looked to my left,then my right. I didn't find anything,that was until an arrow just missed my head,scratching my cheek. I looked behind me and found a skeleton. I didn't have the energy to fight it,so I just ran down the hill I was on.

The rattling creature followed me,and with an arrow,knocked me off. I'm glad there was a lake,because I managed to land in it instead of the stone about three feet next to it.

Soaking wet,I crawled out the water and made my way into some sort of plains. Flowers were scattered everywhere and I saw wooden stairs in the distance.

Wooden stairs? As far as I'm aware,you never find those naturally unless I forgot about something. I ran towards it just to figure out it was a village. It was lowly populated,holding about three or four weird people with long noses and straight jacket things and an iron golem.

I knew what an iron golem was,my mom had one until we found that someone killed it for iron and left the fake but concerningly realistic rose. I checked my pocket. To my surprise,there was the rose with a name tag on it. It read "Our beloved Rosalie". I knew it was the golems,specifically because my name isn't Rosalie. My name was Blade. I had a tag on my arm,it read "Bladethebeloved." I've had it all my life,people call it a "gamertag" or just a tag. Nobody knew why it was called that,but we left it alone.

I snuck in one of the houses and found a chest. I opened it to find apples,bread,seeds,and a sapling. I got the food from it and left it. When looking through the village,I found potatoes,wheat,and more apples and bread. Then I found a building called a "blacksmith". I knew that because my sister taught me that.

I knew these were useful,so I looked in that chest this time. Now I found iron,a stone sword,and a diamond. My eyes lit up,I haven't seen a mined diamond before.

The moment ended when I heard a voice. "Either this village is really fucking useless or it's already been looted somehow.

I broke the window and made a break for it. Well,tried. And with my extremely good and awesome luck,they were in that exact alley,having to witness me stuck in the window.

"...who the fuck are you?"

I showed them the tag on my arm. "My name's Blade..." They looked at me,not completely trusting me because I just tried to bust out a window. "...Sage."

*744 WORDS

y11Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora